Crypto Blog

Happy Aloha Friday

Photo Courtesy of Macomb Travel Kauai

The way it works is you post a short question on your blog and link up each week at An Island Life the hostess of this event so others can come and visit your blog and answer your question. Everyone can post their own question just make sure to keep it family friendly.

Our question for you:
Do you Blog? If so do you have an Editorial Calendar that your readers know and come to count on? How does it work for you? Feel free to leave a link if you have yours published I would love to check it out.

I don't have an editorial Calendar but the more active this blogs becomes and the more posts per day that go up I feel like I need to have something in place that I can stick to. I don't want to take the spontaneity out of Blogging but I feel like I need a structure in place to get rid of some of the stress of posting multiple times a day at least 6 days a week. I am not sure if it will just be something for me or if it will be something I publish so people can know what day to come and check out their favorite topics. I guess I need to think about that.

Idle Talk: