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When I was little, I wanted to be…
a mom blog community

No joke I wanted to be a Veterinarian when I was little that is until I found out how much math and science you need in order to become a Veterinarian that's when I said no way. In college my original major was Education but then I transferred schools and well I didn't like the program at all so I graduated with a BA in History. Don't ask I really like the head of both the Secular History Department and the Religious History Department the coursework allowed me to be involved in other activities so it was a win win situation for me.
After graduation I went to work as a receptionist at Westside Veterinary Center on the Upper West Side in NYC. I loved working there I just wish it was closer to where I was living because of my schedule which wasn't exactly 9-5. Just remember for you to have a 9:30 appointment with the Vet what time the staff has to be there until in order to close out the Front Desk sure there was staff around the clock but the front desk was closed and receptionists were supposed to leave at 10pm. After I left and got Davinia I took her into the city to see the staff there. Since Indiana was a puppy when I got her and she needed regular vaccinations I took her to a place more local to where I lived but then when it was time to get the girls ready for our move to Hong Kong I took them all the way back into the city to get their paperwork in order. Its a good thing too because literally the night before we were supposed to leave for Hong Kong Indiana developed Pancreatitis (sp) and we had to bring her in as an emergency and get our flight pushed back to give her time for the IV fluids and medication to take effect. They were amazing in helping us to get everything in order for Indiana and getting her better so quickly. What did you dream of being when you were little?

Idle Talk: