Crypto Blog

9 Misconceptions About Pet Bloggers

I came across a post yesterday that linked to this Mashable Post I think it is a great jumping off point for addressing some of the misconceptions people have about Pet Bloggers.

9. Just Because You Send a $10 Sample of Your Product to a Pet Blogger Does Not Mean They Have to Post About It
In order for any Blogger to create a well thought out Review post it takes at least an hour from start to finish not to mention trying to get the dogs / cats the company is demanding to have try their product to cooperate so that we can take picturesof them using the product.Basically what the company is saying is our time, energy, and connection to your target market is only worth $10retail. Add on a Giveaway to that as well and we have spent 2 hours so the dogs can have a new squeaky toy or the cat can try a new treat?
When a company wants the CHANCE of their product being featured in Elle or Vogue or Gourmet or any other magazine they send hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of samples in the hopes that the magazine will say something in really small print that the model on page 102 is wearing a necklace from so and so company. I am not saying any Pet Blogger has that kind of reach. YET. However a mutual respect is necessary.

8. Pet Bloggers Write Just to Get Free Stuff.
No most Pet Bloggers do not do Reviews or Giveaways let along get pitched by companies to work with them in exchange for free product. I know that as soon as the Pet Brands start seeing results and PR professionals start working with Pet Bloggers more sending smarter pitches. The result? Will be that Pet Bloggers will be working hand in hand with companies attracting their target audience for more then a free dog chew toy or plush cat bed.

7. Pet Bloggers Speak in Dog and Cat Gibberish That No One But Themselves Can Understand
This is completely NOT true. Yes once in a while the cat or dog grab hold of the keyboard because they have something to say. However the majority of Pet Bloggers for the majority of their posts have important information to share. MOST Pet Bloggers are involved with Animal rescueand post about current events in the animal world. They share tips and tricks about raising happy healthy pets in your home and so much more.

6. Pet Bloggers Blog About their Dogs Walk Down the Block or their Cat Squirrel Watching
Yes some Pet Bloggers only discuss things that happen in their lives from going for a walk down the block to attending puppy school. They talk about what they experience with their animals each day. However most Pet Bloggers help to find home for shelter animals, help spread the fact about imminent legistlation that will effect people living with pets. They talk about products they use in their every day lives and share Hot Topic news.

5. Pet Bloggers Make a Ton of Cash
Having a relationship with most of the top Pet Bloggers (setting aside any of the Pet Blogs associated with a large company or Media Conglomerate) none of your favorite Bloggers are making money from their blogs. However everyone I have spoken to about this topic wish that the Pet Brands were acknowledging the work that they put into their blogs and the following they have created to put together fantastic campaigns to spread the word about Pet Brands. I have actually been working with BlogPaws for the past few months in hopes of helping to educate Pet Brands about why they should look towards Pet Bloggers for their advertising Campaigns.

4. Pet Bloggers are Uneducated and They Blog Only Because they Can't Do Anything Else
This is completely untrue. I know for myself I have a BA in History and an MBA in Operations Management. It is true that if you can read and write you can start a Blog but you have to be able to hone your skills and put in time and work into creating something people want to come back and read post after post. So even someone who doesn't necessarily have a college degree they need to have the drive and determination to make their blog work to make it last and not just fad away as another fad they got involved in. Bloggers have to continually educate themselves by reading other blogs, attending Blogging Events, keeping up with current events, and pay attention to what the experts are talking about. Just like lawyers accountants and doctors have to have continuing education hours in order to stay certified and in the know bloggers need to learn from each other and from the experts in order to stay at the top of their game.

3. Pet Bloggers Aren't Strong Enough or a Large Enough Group to make Headlines
Really? Pet Bloggers have engaged in a number of campaigns in the past year alone that have gotten national media coverage and gone far beyond the Pet Blogging Community in terms of reach. It wasn't from unethical behavior or drama or a Pet Blogger who brings in a million dollar salary for the year. Our headlines occur when we help those who we are most passionate about when we create Be the Change Events and the word spreads and people start to join the campaign. They are grass roots efforts to make a difference in the lives of animals.

2. Pet Bloggers Will Post Press Releases for Free Because They Need More Content
The answer is yes some Bloggers will post your Press Release just because you asked them to. However this approach is not going to get your Press Release or Product discussed on the Pet Blogs your companies want to see them on. I can guarantee that the Pet Blogs you hope will post your Press Release are not scrambling for something to post that day and their email boxes are full of similar generic pitches. The bigger Pet Blogs have no desire to advertise for your company for FREE when they have to spend their own time and energy doing so with nothing in return. You wouldn't expect the New York Times to publish information about your product for FREE would you?

1. Pet Bloggers Are Ladies Who are Over 50 and Wear Beige Cardigans While Reading Books to Their Cats
No this is really not true as a 31 year old female I don't look 50, act 50, or want to be 50 (ever). Yes the vast majority of Pet Bloggers are women but many of us are not 50 and we don't even own cats. Pet Bloggers are made up of mostly women but we have a huge age range. Among those who consider themselves Pet Bloggers we have everything from 12 year olds to those over 50 we are stylish and follow Pop Culture and engage in conversations other then about animals. We have experiences beyond our blogs and we bring those life experiences to the table in every blog post we write and networking event we attend. I bet you couldn't find more then a handful of beige cardigans at BlogPaws in August unless of course someone thinks it would be funny to have a beige cardigan event during the conference. Personally though I would rather see a Brand Sponsored Pajama Party where we can hang out and just have fun.

Idle Talk: