I was watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution earlier. It is an interesting show and the concept I personally think is something that is needed in our schools. However I was not prepared to witness this little test that Jamie did with one of the classes and quite frankly I don't think he or the teacher expected this outcome. Watch this two minute video of Jamie's Vegetable test with a classroom of children.
Do your kids know what Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are? Do you make food from scratch or is everything on the go fast food and frozen? Are our children growing up today not knowing something as simple as what a potato looks like or a head of celery? I am going to be quite honest I follow several "Frugal Moms" or "Coupon Moms" who take pictures of their $100 or more savings at the grocery store there are lots of packaged foods, frozen meals, etc but what I do not see on the receipt or in the pictures of the table full of food is fresh fruit and vegetables. Yes it is quite possible that they do buy them but they don't show them because they are from another trip to the market that doesn't use all the coupons then again they just might be too expensive to purchase in big quantities or the family doesn't eat a fresh apple or orange when they can have icecream and cookies so the fresh foods go rotten and then they are viewed as a waste of money.
My challenge:
I challenge you all to make one meal this week that is fresh from scratch with your child(ren) help so that they they learn what these things look like and a little bit about healthy eating. I would love to see what you all come up with post about this challenge on your blog so we all can see the meals you all prepare with your children's help. Plus it will give other mom's inspiration for meals to make with their children.
Here is what ABC has to say about the show:
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
When we first heard the term "Food Revolution," we weren't exactly sure what that meant. Did a lazy Susan suddenly start spinning out of control? Was ketchup attempting a hostile takeover to dethrone salsa as top condiment? But then, with world-renowned chef and best-selling author Jamie Oliver's name attached, we knew it was going to be all about "good food." Enough said.
Yes, Jamie Oliver is here to start a revolution. The impassioned chef is taking on obesity, heart disease and diabetes in the USA, where our nation's children are the first generation NOT expected to live as long as their parents. Now that's scary!
Jamie is inviting viewers to take a stand and change the way America eats, in our home kitchens, schools and workplaces with the thought-provoking new series, Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, which has a special sneak preview SUNDAY, MARCH 21 10|9c on ABC, followed by a 2-hour premiere on FRIDAY MARCH 26 8|7c.
In the six-part series, Jamie heads to Huntington, West Virginia. Why? Well, Huntington has been called the unhealthiest city in America. Jamie wants to do something about that. Through his efforts in this one town, he hopes to start a chain reaction of positive change across the country.
Jamie says, "There's an incredible community in Huntington, and I want this experience to be a celebration of what we can achieve when people come together." Jamie goes on to say, "Wonderful stories will unfold in Huntington, and hopefully this will inspire the rest of the States." Sounds like a plan!
Needled by local naysayers, challenged by ingrained unhealthy habits and government bureaucracy, and welcomed by some of the most surprising youngsters, families and local leaders, Jamie shows how, in just a few short months, he tried to transform Huntington as a template for the entire country. The stakes? Simply the health of our country's citizens and the legacy for its children.
The series is loosely based on Jamie Oliver's U.K. series, Jamie's Ministry of Food and Jamie's School Dinners, which saw his successful grass-roots efforts improve the school lunches in communities there. For the latter show, it resulted in a total overhaul of the school dinner program in the U.K. In America, he's turning his attention to helping people of all ages eat more balanced meals and cook with fresh ingredients, not only at schools, but also homes, and workplaces.
Jamie's recent television credits include Oprah's Big Give for ABC. He is the author of nine popular cookbooks, including "The Naked Chef", "Cook with Jamie" and "Jamie at Home." Hyperion published his latest cookbook, "Jamie's Food Revolution: Rediscover How to Cook Simple, Delicious, Affordable Meals", in October 2009. Packed with quick, flavorful recipes and step-by-step photos shows beginning and accomplished cooks how to achieve great results with fresh ingredients. You can buy it now!.
We can't wait to see how Jamie makes out in Huntington. We're also curious to see if his efforts there catch on in other places. Let the revolution begin!