Danny The Dragon "Meets Jimmy" DVD
written by Tina Turbin
http://www.TinaTurbin.comillustrated by Aija Jasuna
Danny the Dragon and his traveling companion and navigator Skipper meet a new friend when Jimmy's family goes on a trip to the beach. How they meet is most unusual and exciting and teaches children to look for special things even in the most common places. I love the fact that Danny the Dragon is a friendly Dragon more from Asian Mythology then the fire breathing type from Western Mythology.
This book is well written and easy for little ones to understand. The pictures are perfect to help spark little readers imaginations.I can honestly say I loved the DVD there is a reader reading the book page by page and not actors acting it out or computer animation which I think would have detracted from the story. Plus this allows children to read along with the story teller and see the words as the Interpreter signs them. Along with the readers voice there is a Sign Language Interpreter (Principle of the Blossom Montessori School for the Deaf in Clearwater, Florida) signing the entire book on the right hand side of the screen. I literally watched the interpreter the entire time I personally don't know ASL but I do know a few letters so I could follow when she spelled out a name which was fun. I am sure that after watching this DVD a few times your children will have picked up a few words of ASL. This video is perfect for a family who has a member or members who are hard of hearing or completely deaf as well as blind members because the story is read out loud. The author really went out of her way to make sure that as many children as possible can benefit from her story by making it accessible to them in a medium they can understand.
The DVD also allows you the opportunity to talk to your young children about accepting others even if they are a little different then they are.The sign language interpreter uses facial expressions to convey the story along with ASL which I think helps children learn visual cues about what a person is trying to say.
About the Author:
Tina Turbin is a humanitarian, radio spokes-woman as well as an award winning children's author http://DannyTheDragon.com. She helps many people in the allergy, Celiac, Autistic and Gluten-Free "world" and works hard to make these topics more known. To learn more about Celiac Disease, Autism, add living a Gluten Free Life check out her resource site http://GlutenFreeHelp.info.
Buy It: The DVD is not yet available however you can purchase the book and CD on The Danny the Dragon Website. http://www.dannythedragon.com/buy/
Interview with author Tina Turbin :
What made you decide you wanted to write childrens books?
I was always very imaginative and into the Arts from as far back I can recall but I wrote my first children’s story at age 16. I had made a decision when I saw on my first born child, that I wanted to set aside my personal goals like writing. I found being a mom so wonderful, satisfying and fun. I soon had three children, we loved to read and play games with books and ideas were rolling around in my little head. I always knew that as they got older I would someday get back into writing again.
How did you decide on a Dragon as the main character? When the time came I just started creating my characters, how they looked and knew their exact personality. I had this concept of Danny ( the Dragon) and that was it! I was on a roll. I knew kids would love him and they do. How did you come up with the idea to include sign language in your DVD? I visited a school to do a reading of my Danny the Dragon book and the school works with kids from very young all through High School and they had a number for deaf children students. Carol Downing did the sign while I read to these lovely children. These kids amazed me, the staff inspired me and I walked away from that day with a new view on many aspects, and so did my photographer who came with me for the reading. I got in the car and my ideas starting rolling away on how I could help or do more. I first attended a fund raiser and donated to that and that was not enough. So now we have the DVD as well.
Are the recipes in your upcoming cookbook exclusively gluten free? I saw a need for a real good cookbook for kids in the much needed arena of gluten-free to make kids feel special, normal and to have a blast in the kitchen. It includes much more than cooking though- it's a little secret so I cannot share it until it is released, sorry. I am passionate about raising awareness to Celiac Disease and the many adverse effects that gluten produces in many children and adults- even animals! One in every 120-130 people have this disease which means about 2.35-2.85 MILLION Americans to this date have not yet been diagnosed. It takes an average of 4-10 years (depending on your reference), to be properly diagnosed and in the meantime other auto-immune diseases can kick in and a whole mess evolves. People find out about celiac or gluten intolerance and start researching it themselves and then bring the topic up to their doctors, after many years of tests and troubles to no resolution. I was one of these people! Also, many kids with autism are taken off of gluten for a very good reason. Much more is on my resource site about these topics: http://GlutenFreeHelp.info .
I was contacted by Tina Turbin the author of Danny the Dragon to write this review. In order to write this review I received the hardcover version of the book as well as the CD and DVD along with a few little goodies all branded with Danny the Dragon on them a bookmark, sticker, and door hanger. I was not given any monetary compensation in order to write the review nor was my review censored in anyway. I want to Thank Tina Turbin for the opportunity to review this book and promote the sales of the CD to help support Celiac Disease Research along with the DVD whose proceeds will help benefit the Blossom Montessori School for the Deaf located in Clearwater Florida www.blossomschool.org .