I am not really ready to jump all the way to the very end of Blog Paws just yet. I have so many topics, ideas, and pictures I want to share with you first. However one of the things that I learned this weekend is that we need to be timely with our posts. Last night while I was in the hotel room winding down from the day's events I sent out a tweet asking if anyone knew if the video from the closing Ceremony of Blog Paws would be uploaded to YouTube. I received a pretty quick response and was told that yes it would be going up. Well I got home from the airport and in my twitter @ feed I had a message waiting for me that it was up and ready to share.
Please feel free to share this post with everyone you know and send the video to all of your animal lover friends.
Be the change video shown at the closing ceremony of Blogpaws 2010, celebrating what is pawsible when people who care get together and start to change the world for animals one paw at a time. This video was put together by the creator of #pawparty on twitter. If you ever wanted to know what it was all about this video tells the entire story. @Frugaldougal you had an amazing idea that was clearly something that was needed and wanted by so many animal lovers out there.