Just hours after their story was aired on Albuquerque local news there was someone waiting at the door to the shelter when it opened in the morning to adopt Rhett and Scarlett. Rhett is a special needs Min Pin as he s blind but he has his very own seeing eye dog in his companion Scarlett. The new owner has owned a Miniature Pincher before and it was blind so she is not worried about taking care of special needs baby Rhett and while she has her back turned Scarlett, Rhett's seeing eye dog will be there to make sure nothing bad happens.
Good luck in your new life little ones.
Blind pooch & his guide dog get adopted: kasa.com

Its another edition of Saturday Pet Bloggers Blog Hop brought to you by Two Little Cavaliers, Life with Dogs, and Confessions of the Plume! Welcome to all of you joining us for the first time we are so excited to have you!
Here's how you can join the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop celebration:
* Link up your blog name and URL using the Linky Tool below. You only need to add you link once to be seen on all the Pet Blogger Blog Hop Linky Tools for that week.
** Grab the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop button that our friends over on Life with Dogs made for us and include it in your Saturday Pet Bloggers Hop post so that your readers will know what is going on.
*** Follow your co-hosts listed in the first 3 slots of the Linky Tool and comment on their blogs to say hello!
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