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Certain types of sugar-free gum, mints, candies, toothpaste, chewable vitamins and throat lozenges contain the sugar alcohol sweetener Xylitol, which is used as a sugar subsitute. Xylitol is safe for people and felines, but when dogs consume Xylitol, they get a surge of insulin causing hypoglycemia. The sudden surge of insulin can also cause liver failure in dogs, depending on how much Xylitol is consumed.

Dogs who have ingested the sweetener often collapse, have seizures, and show a loss of coordination. Pet owners are urged to read the labelling on any items like gum or candies to make sure they are keeping Xylitol out of the reach of their dogs.

Last month Dr Lori Huston our friend and fellow Pet Blogger wrote a post about this very thing. Head over to BlogPwas to read her post about Xylitol so you know the facts.

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