Group of well groomed Shelties running the street
The situation in Fukushima is out of control according to the Mayor. He is very mad because the news crews are coming in and taking pictures and videos including of the dogs and cats in the area and then people think that because they are there that they are abandoned so Animal Rescuers come swarming the area thinking they are going something good but in effect really hurting the people and animals living in the area.
There are Rescue groups seeing dogs and cat in homes, businesses, yards, and running the streets in the 20 km Zone. Instead of first trying to figure out if they have been cared for they are taking them and leaving. In effect kidnapping these people's animals. There are some rescuers who see an animal in a window and instead of knocking or determining whose home it is they are just opening the doors or windows to take the animals out when the family is still at home. There are people who are still living in the area or that go back and forth from the Shelter in order to feed their animals and are finding them stolen. One older lady had her Pomeranian stolen by just such a group. The same dog she refused to go to the shelter and leave behind has been taken within a 5 minute period.
To make matters worse for the people who have chosen to stay behind in their homes there is a store open which they can go to in order to pick up supplies only the supplies are gone because some of these "rescuers" are not coming with their own food and water and are buying it all for their teams. The rescuers know that this is the only store for a very long distance and that there are people living in the area still who need the food and water there. Some animal rescuers are also buying all the gasoline for their cars leaving an even greater shortage for the people living there.
The Mayor has announced that anyone who took animals out of this area without permission of the animals owner can be charged with stealing and will be prosecuted. While not all groups are doing this the problem is wide spread enough that the Mayor as an animal lover has to take a stand to protect the people in his city from further theft and is now forced to follow disaster protocol due to the actions of some people. There are no provisions for animals i the disaster protocol.
To complicate things even more there are dogs who came out of the 10 km Zone who were not initially testing positive for radiation on the exterior of their body but peed while the radiation counters were still active and it set them off. I don't have an exact number of what the levels were in these 2 or 3 dogs it was a big enough number that these dogs will get sick and most likely die as they tested positive for Cesium. This is the first time there was any significant radiation found in the animals taken out of this area and now authorities are worried that other animals taken from this area around the Nuclear Power Plant who drank contaminated water and ate contaminated food will spread radiation each time they pee. These dogs will be monitored by veterinarians until a search for their owners can be conducted and a course of action determined.