Crypto Blog

Japanese Pet Store Owner Caring for 120 Dogs

Many shelters do not allow the survivors of the Japanese Earthquakes and Tsunami to bring their pets with them into the emergency shelters. With no change in the situation on the horizon shelters are now kicking pets out due to complaints from others who are living in the shelter.

You all might remember the porpoise who was found by a Pet Store Owner in the middle of what was a rice field. That is the same person who has now taken on the monumental task with his staff and probably a few volunteers to care for 120 dogs and counting. He has been out trying to help the dogs of Sendai and that is probably how he spotted the porpoise in the first place. He owns a pet store in Sendai which had survived the Tsunami attached to the store or very close nearby they have the dog run park with a fence that is still intact and so the Pet Store owner has agreed to take in the dogs and allow them to run around in the dog park while their owners are found or a more long term housing solution is found for those who lost everything.

The store owner has accepted the dogs in the dog run but there are now 120 under his care with very little room to take in any others. Food and fresh water is needed to keep all the dogs healthy. It is unbelievable that the store survived and the dog run still has a fence that wasn't damaged but maybe like with the bakery that was still in working condition and has fed hundreds of thousands of meals to hungry Japanese these structures stood in order to be able to care for animals.

Even if there is a current supply of food for the 120 dogs and they are giving them tap water or finding some other source for water eventually there will not be pet food left in Sendai they will need more help to care for the dogs eventually. Since this has been reported in newspapers worldwide as a little side note to the porpoise story I am sure that JEARS knows about them but I will send them a message to make sure and to see if they are helping out by bringing food and supplies to the dogs.

This news story is dated by several days so that could account for the 40 extra dogs that are now in the care of this pet store owner.

Idle Talk: