As you all must know by now I am at Blog Paws thanks to the amazing people at Pedigree. This post isn't about something you have read it is about what I did tonight. The participants of Blog Paws minus the dogs and cats who came along all went out to a Bar to hang out, have a bite to eat, listen to music and have a relaxing evening. The bar we went to was located in the Arena District with lots of other clubs, concerts, and other events going on. So I am sitting out on the Patio with a bunch of other bloggers when I realized that below us was an alley full of 18 - 20 somethings. Well one of the things we were given to us by Pedigree was a stack of business sized cards with the information on how to become a fan of their Facebook Adoption Drive in order to help feed a homeless pet I didn't feel like the information cards would be best used by handing them out to Blog Paws attendees because most everyone here is already a fan. I got a bunch of cards together walked down to the alley and started handing out the information cards to the people there. What a great response. They were all more then happy to fan Pedigree in order to help a dog in a shelter receive a bowl of food. So many of them said oh I love dogs, or I would be happy to help, or that's so easy I will for sure do it. I even had one guy tell me he "loves dog food" not really sure if he meant he things it tastes good personally or has a dog that eats it. Within 5 minutes of walking downstairs with the stack of cards I had given away all but three. I really hope they all go home and actually do it and pass the information on to their friends and family.
The goal of the Pedigree is to get 4 million facebook fans one fan for every homeless dog in America. Do you have any idea how much food that will be. At 8oz per "bowl" that comes to 32 million pounds of food! For something so simple and easy to do to actually be able to help the dogs in such an unbelievable way that is just amazing. Thank you for helping the dogs in need.