All dog parties need human friendly goodies as well right? So this post is for HUMAN COOKIES.
I am a Vegetarian and Gluten Intolerant so that makes my choices very limited at most events. I know that I am not alone in either of these two food restrictions so I went looking for a human bakery that met these requirements. See I love cooking from scratch but baking is a whole other story so when I want a cookie I usually buy something from the store that is gluten free which means a box or bag of cookies that have been sitting on a shelf for who knows how long.When I found Short and Sweets Bakery I could literally smell the cookies baking through the computer screen.

She did a great job of packaging it so when my mailman who is too lazy to walk to my front door shoved the box in my mailbox which is too small to fit the box the cookies remained in one piece. This is a regular occurrence with my mailman. I could have multiple large envelopes sticking out of my box or something shoved in there so deep I practically pull the mailbox off the fence trying to get things out. Anyway back to the cookies. AMAZING!

I was sent a dozen:
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies which are Vegan and Gluten Free!
Oh my gosh they are amazing! I haven't had a gooey cookie since I had to give up wheat. I don't know how she did it but wow! They taste like the real thing. Amazing! Thank you so much. I had to put them away in hopes that there would be any left for a taste test from someone who eats wheat just to see if they have the same reaction as I did.These cookies were so good. They did not last long and I was soon ready to order some more but decided I should hold off until it is closer to Davinia's Birthday to get another bag.I had a question for her here is the original question. I have a question about where you bake these and what other types of food have been cooked in the oven. I know these are Gluten Free and Vegan (though they taste like all the bad for you stuff that make cookies taste so good is in there somewhere) do you bake anything with milk products or meat in the same oven as your cookies?
I don't cook meat in the same oven. I do bake other items that are not vegan in the same oven. Cookies and things don't tend to be messy, though, so it's not like there's buttery cookie dripping on the bottom. Also, I do clean it regularly. If you have any questions about her products please feel free to visit her Shop Policy page. It includes allergy info http://www.etsy.com/shop_policy.php?user_id=8384450

Do you know someone who you need to buy a gift for and just don't know what to get them because they have dietary restrictions? This CHOCOLATE LOVER'S DREAM Gift Basket- Vegan, Gluten Free, and (can be made) Peanut Free
If the rest of her treats are as amazing as the Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter cookies she sent to me. You will no be disappointed in anything you purchase from her shop. Like I said I know that I will be placing an order very soon.
Short and Sweets will be shipping the winner 12 Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Gluten Free Cookies
The mandatory entry:
Visit Short and Sweets and tell us which item you would love to try.
For each of the bonus entries please make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry. If you take advantage of a multiple bonus entries please leave a comment for each one.
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- Google Friends Connect http://katesshortandsweets.blogspot.com (2 entries!)
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- Blog about this giveaway with a link back to this post as well as a link to Short and Sweets. (3 entries)
- Tweet about this giveaway "Win a Dozen Gluten Free Vegan (Human) Cookies from Short and Sweets Etsy Shop on www.twolittlecavaliers.blogspot.com ends 4/21" (once per day)
- Place an order and tell her we sent you! (5 entries)
- Remember to give yourselves the extra entries for each giveaway if you blogged about our event or if you signed up for our feedburner email early.
In order to write this review and giveaway we were sent a sample of her baking 1 Dozen Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Gluten Free / Vegan Cookies We did not receive any monetary or other compensation to create this blog post. Our opinion is completely our own and was not swayed in any fashion. This giveaway will be open until April 21st at 11:30pm Eastern Time at which time the winner will be chosen by Random.org