Crypto Blog

Whisper and Her Rescue Kitten

My parents dog Whisper with her rescue kitty. The kitty would stop by and visit my parents house every few days and tag along on walks so my dad started putting food out for her on the porch. Then one day my dad found her up a tree injured and crying. Eventually she came out of the tree and my dad realized something happened to her eye. So he took her to the vet where they checked her eye and spayed her this way when she plays outside she can't make more little kittens. She now spends her days guarding my parents house from intruders (she swatted and hissed at Davinia and Indiana the first day we were here) and sleeping on the back porch cuddled up with Whisper. She now follows the girls around the front yard when I take them out but got mad at them when we went for a walk with her momma Whisper so she has to be put on the back patio when we go for walks or she will run over and hisses and spits at the girls which really confuses Indiana because she was just minding her own business and Davinia is not a fan of that behavior at all.

Idle Talk: