I was so excited when I was approached by America's Pet Store to do a review and giveaway of one of their products. After some back and forth (because the Two Little Cavaliers are actually bigger then most people expect at 15lbs each) we decided on the Drinkwell Platinum Pet Fountain. If you have never had one of these for your dog or cat we absolutely recommend them. We had one before but during a black out the motor was fried and I haven't been able to replace it for Davinia and Indiana. To say I was excited about this was an understatement.
America's Pet Store has products for Dogs, Cats, and Birds and they offer FREE Shipping on all products no minimum order size. Shipping cost is the biggest turn off from me when I go to order something online. I cannot tell you how many times I have placed items in my shopping cart gotten all the way to check out and found out that shipping was going to double the price of my items or was going to make it so I could no longer afford to purchase the product. Shipping here in the US costs a lot of money so it is not always the merchants fault but I know for myself that I am more likely to order from someone with FREE shipping or flat rate shipping then someone who does not.
About the Drinkwell:
In nature, moving water is much fresher than stagnant water. The movement constantly breaks the surface tension of the water and draws oxygen from the air into the water. This process is called aeration and it makes water more appealing to drink. Pets may be drawn by instinct to moving water for this reason.
This all new design utilizes the same patented free-falling stream of water as the original Drinkwell® which entices pets to drink more, keeping them happy, healthy and hydrated. The Platinum features; a new snap on lid to prevent accidental removal, a pre-filter to catch large particles before they reach the motor, and a new submersible pump for nearly silent operation. With the same quality that consumers have come to rely on, the Drinkwell® Platinum is a culmination of 10 years experience in making pet fountains.
Proven to benefit your pet's health, the Drinkwell® Pet Fountains are a great way to show your pets just how much you care. Research shows that one of the best ways to improve your pet's health is to get them to drink more water. And the best way to do that is with the Drinkwell® Pet Fountain. By using a 5-inch falling stream of water, the pet fountain continually aerates your pet's water with healthful oxygen. A charcoal filter also removes bad tastes and odors, giving your pet the best possible - and most appealing - way to stay hydrated!

The Review:
By the time it arrived I was getting ready to pack for our road trip to see my parents so I figured since I knew Davinia and Indiana had loved it that I would take it along and set it up so that they could share it with Kahlua my parents Rottie to see what he thought of the whole thing. The Drinkwell is easy to set up and get ready for your pet. Davinia and Indiana loved having the Drinkwell and when their broke it took some time to get them used to drinking from a regular bowl again. I do have to say that the first time I set the Drinkwell up for them it took them a day or two before they were willing o give ti a try so I basically took them on a long walk in the Miami sun and then showed them the fountain and told them to have water. Once they started using it they were very happy to go over and drink directly from the fountain stream all on their own but I guess they weren't sure what to make of it at first.
Mr. Kahlua thought it was great he came in from being outside and passed up his bowl to drink from the Drinkwell Fountain. . I had to refill the reservoir twice because of all the water he drank the first time he used it. I put it out for Davinia and Indiana to drink from and Kahlua pushed his way there. He didn't so much push as decide he wanted some since both Indiana and Davinia know to get out of his way because he doesn' t understand he is bigger then them and so pushes them out of the way when he means to play and share.
We found out later he was only actually drinking half of the water the rest was missing his mouth and landing all over the floor. He didn't try to drink directly from the fountain part which both Davinia and Indiana will do but I learned a lot of things from his experience that I would have never known if I had just done the review at home. The Platinum size isn't big enough for a large dog the bowl portion is just not deep enough for them even though Kahlua did enjoy using it and needed the reservoir refilled several times a day we had to ultimately unplug it because he was getting more water on the ground then in his belly. You can see that there was already a giant towel around the Drinkwell by the time I took this picture to try and capture all the water he was getting on the floor.You can also see one of the pieces of blue tape still attached I left it on because I need to be able to transport it back to Miami with us without everything falling apart.
The waterfall is pretty silent on the lowest setting which is fine to move the water around and for Davinia and Indiana to drink right from the stream but gets rather noisy on the full flow setting.The one bad thing about this product is the fact that there is no on off switch so you have to pull the plug out the wall whenever you want to turn it off. As for it not being big enough for Kahlua I went onto the website and found out they do make a Big Dog size which I guess I had just not paid attention to when I choose which fountain I wanted to review clearly this larger size was needed since it has a deeper basin for the dogs to drink from.
Buy It:
You can purchase the Drinkwell Platinum Pet Fountain from America's Pet Store
for $74.99 which is also the price on the Big Dog Size Fountain.

Davinia and Indiana didn't really get to use the fountain much before I had to put it away. Their new food has much more water in in then anything they have had before and it isn't hot here yet so they haven't really been using the fountain much. I know that it is going to be super hot when we get back to Miami so they are going to love having the fountain this summer.
I figured I would take a picture of them with the box so you all can see that cats do use it and like it.
Win It: The winner can choose from either the Platinum Drinkwell Pet Fountain or the Drinkwell Big Dog Pet Fountain
Visit America' Pet Store and tell us something you would love to get for your Pet from their large selection.
For each of the bonus entries please make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry. If you take advantage of a multiple bonus entries please leave a comment for each one.
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- Blog about this giveaway with a link back to this post as well as a link to America's Pet Store. (3 entries)
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- Place an order and tell them we sent you! (5 entries)
In order to write this review and giveaway we were sent a Platinum Drinkwell Pet Fountain from America's Pet Store. We did not receive any monetary or other compensation to create this blog post. Our opinion is completely our own and was not swayed in any fashion. This giveaway will be open until June 2nd at 11:30pm Eastern Time at which time the winner will be chosen by Random.or