Woofs, Meows, and Nose Twitches!
Welcome to the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop Co-hosted by Two Little Cavaliers, Life with Dogs, and Baby Patches from Nip and Bones! Join us on Saturdays to meet and greet new Pet Bloggers and reconnect with old friends. Our blog hop is for ALL pet lovers so even if you blog isn't devoted to your pet we would love for you to join us. Don't have a blog? No worries you can join the blog hop to find new friends too!
Here's how you can join the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop celebration:
* * Link up your blog name and URL using the Linky Tool below. You only need to add you link once to be seen on all the Pet Blogger Blog Hop Linky Tools for that week.
* * Grab the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop button that our friends over on Life with Dogs made for us and include it in your Saturdat Pet Bloggers Hop post so that your readers will know what is going on.
* * Follow your co-hosts listed in the first 3 slots of the Linky Tool.
* * Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like
* * Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from the Saturday Pet Bloggers Hop
* * Follow back when you get a new follower through the Saturday Pet Bloggers Blog Hop
The list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up with us each week you will be able to find the new links on my blog starting at 12:01 AM Eastern Time each week in case you are a party animal and want to get a head start. Since this is a new event we want everyone to be able to participate this week so the link will be open until Wednesday in the future the link will close early Sunday morning but you can still use the links to hop around the internet to find new anipals!
As hosts, we realize the time required to participate in Blog events as they become more and more popular we understand everyone, including ourselves, may not be able to follow every blog. To keep it fun, follow what you can at your own pace. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your participation!
We just wanted to say hello and welcome you to our blog whether this is the first time you are stopping by or you are an old friend we love to hear from you. As some of you know we are on the road. We arrived at grandma and grandpa's this afternoon. Since we got here the big dog Kahlua (he is a Rottie) will not stop licking us its like he was giving us a bath. We had to hide in our crate to stop him and he only stopped because he is too big to get in our crate. Trust us he tried every time we come to visit. He wants to cuddle up with us in there. Mommy says we have to excuse him and be nice because he is an old man (he is 12) for a Rottie.
Mommy isn't sure if she told all of you why we took a trip now and not some other time so she said I could let you all know that we are in Georgia because next weekend is the Regional Cavalier show in Atlanta. We aren't competing because mommy said I have no coat and Davinia looks like she is walking at an angle because of her muscle loss and walks with a limp so she can't compete. But we are going to go because Davinia's Sire's breeder will be judging and mommy wants to meet them. She says its a big deal because they live all the way in Scotland which is is Europe and this is probably the only chance that she will have to meet them.
We are here so early because when we told grandma we were coming up she insited we come up a week early so mommy could go to some thing called the Mountain Laurel Festival. She says we have to stay here with the big dog but that tomorrow night we might get to go to a place called Tallulah Falls where they have some people singing and dancing and dogs are allowed. That's what is going on with us right now can't wait to read all about what is going on in all of our friends lives.
Since mommy is going to be very busy tomorrow she wanted us to let you know that she will be visiting all of your blogs to say hello but it will be tomorrow Saturday night before she starts making her rounds and then again on Sunday night.
Davinia & Indiana