The owners of CSN stores who have over 200 online Stores that all specialize their own products including a collection of bathroom vanity solutions and some fun bar stools have graciously asked Indiana and Davinia to test out a new bed of their choice from . We have decided to go with the Ultra Soft Small Pet Bed by: Animal Planet. Once Davinia and Indiana have given it their stamp of approval they will be offering a friend (within the US) their very own new bed in their choice of colors.
Davinia and Indiana are practicing their sleeping skills at the moment in anticipation of the new beds arrival. ****************The above was in response to the PR request and the push behind starting this blog. The original post can be found on my other blog where I keep all of my Stella & Dot Jewelry related posts except for the giveaways of course. When I was working with CSN Stores originally I was told that they only work with the same blogger once a year but that they would keep me in mind for next year. Well its not next year and I have been chosen as one of their Preferred Bloggers. Which means that I will receive multiple opportunities to work with them. I was give the chance to do another Review or Giveaway using a product from any of their stores so I did some more looking around. I decided that since I had such a great response to the original giveaway which was the first one I had ever done I have decided to use the same Ultra Soft Small Pet Bed by Animal Planet so this time I can choose 2 readers. The winner will be able to choose what color they would like the bed in!

Stay tuned for the Giveaway Post so you can enter to win!