Crypto Blog

We Have A Winner!

Before I make the announcement I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for pardoning our dust over the past 2 days. We are in the middle of a complete blog makeover and so things might have looked a bit strange on your visits to our blog. One more piece to go up and we will be finished with our transformation. YAY!

Thank you to all of our participants for making this giveaway a success. We had a slight technical difficulty with blogger which is why it took several days to post the winner. I have our blog set up in such a way that for the first 14 days after a post all comments get posted directly. Once 14 days hits the comments are set to moderate because we were getting gross spam. Well I couldn't get the comment to post so I couldn't choose a winner. Anyway without further ado...

Congratulations to the Winner of Shorty's Gourmet Treats. Using the winning number was #50

cstironkat said... Daily tweet

Idle Talk: