Crypto Blog

Monday #Mamavation Week 2
Watch Lives Change

First the good news. I lost 2lbs last week!

Now the bad news for me and your eyes in order to have this post count for my weekly #Mamavation post I actually have to share pictures with you. Happy about it well no but if it helps to inspire just one of you to make the decision that today is the day that you are going to get healthy then it will be worth it.

At my heaviest in 2007 I weighed over 280lbs. clearly not healthy at all and really unhappy for multiple reasons that I am not going to get into here. Obviously something clicked when I moved to Hong Kong maybe it was the environment maybe it was something inside me but I started to loose weight and become happier.

Original Before pictures :

Here are pictures from now, I guess I should have really worn tighter fitting clothes for these pictures. Oh well, I do have a skirt that I had custom made for me in Hong Kong back then that I kept and have not had fitted. At the end of my 90 Day Challenge I promise to post a picture of me holding the skirt up to me though. :

Fast forward to when I started my 90 Day Challenge (237.8lbs) I was in a really bad place after Davinia was attacked. To say that I was nervous when I was out walking the dogs is the understatement of the century especially when the sun would go down and it was dark out. So of course you are going to say why didn't you just keep them in the yard to go potty and not have to deal with it.

  • Once Davinia was able to walk even 5 or 6 steps at a time with help she only wanted to eat the "kitty cookies" left in the yard by our feral family and Indiana while she will go pee pee on anything you put her down on only wanted to play in the yard and not go big potty. Plus do you know what it is like trying to use a doggy sling and a flashlight at the same time and have a slip lead on Davinia so at least I had some control over her head to keep her out of the bushes because she wanted to hide her potty from other animals.
  • Changing my routine or adding something that could be used as a weapon in case of attack or because I was scared only made it worse for me.

I basically did the bare minimum I could potty only and then home. So neither Indiana or I were getting any real amount of exercise and I just wanted to be home with Davinia.
I knew I had put weight back on and needed to get healthy because I just had no energy to exercise now that I was ready to again. The 90 Day Challenge sort of went across my computer screen at exactly the right time. Now that I have been on the Challenge for a few weeks we have been walking much more and I feel ready to actually add in some kind of workout indoors in addition to the walking.

If you would like to learn more about the 90 Day Challenge I am on you can click here:

Now for the fun stuff.
This week's #mamavation post is sponsored by Chiquita Banana. They are giving away a VIB (Very Important Blogger) Basket, stuffed with all sorts of goodies to one lucky member of the sistahood. I know two little dogs who will be very happy to share the basket with their momma if we win.

Do you feed your dogs fresh Fruits and Vegetables?
Indiana's nickname is Banana because as a puppy she loved banana she still does. Last night Davinia, Indiana, and I shared an apple for dessert while we were at the #pawpawty. The girls love to eat steamed broccoli and carrots just plain is fine with them. They also like all kinds of melon, shredded coconut, and avocado. Well apparently Chiquita is not just for bananas because they produce most of the girls favorites as well. Oh and I found out something else that is great for busy families they sell precut fruits and vegetables in packets for under $1 each.

Idle Talk: