Crypto Blog

Pet Bloggers Blog Hop and Dog Days of Summer

When we found out about this Be The Change Challenge I was going to buy a bag of food and deliver it to a local rescue. Nothing big or fancy. I didn't want to take on a cause to feed 100 dogs or an entire shelter and I didn't want to run to the pet food companies because I know a lot of them were already helping wth other blogs projects.

However, I was contacted by the Meals on Wheels Program in Habersham County Georgia that is in desperate need of dog food, cat food, and possibly food for other small animals. For whatever reason a few months ago their source of this food no longer had the food to spare (they were being given food from Habersham County Animal Shelter). The shelter was giving the some of their donated food to the Meals on Wheels program so that those on this program could keep their family pets instead of having to turn them into the shelter.

I do know the name of the pet food company that donates the food but before I start pointing fingers or naming names I want to speak to the people in charge of the Meals on Wheels program and someone from the pet food company. It could be something as simple as they determine pounds of pet food needed by looking at how many animals go through the shelter each year and don't realize the extra food was going to help keep others out of the shelter and with their home-bound families who love them. I am having a telephone conference with the people in charge of the Meals on Wheels program Monday and will then contact the Pet Food Company to see if we can get the food back to help keep these pets stay in their homes. If the company cannot give the food back I have other companies who have approached us to work with our blog who well for lack of a better way to put it I would not feed my dogs so I have declined until I can find a way to use their offer. This might be a bit bigger then they were thinking but hey a girl has to do what a girl has to do right?

From what I understand of how the pet food works is that they are sent zip-lock baggies with the same amount of meals for their pets as they receive for themselves. I am not looking for premium food either because honestly there is no source of Premium brand food for at least 40 miles or more from where they live so most likely these animals have only ever had the food that their local Ingles (grocery chain) or Walmart stock. Monday I will find out how many pounds of food they need for the year in order to insure that the pets that already have homes and just need some food can stay in their homes and not wind up in the shelter or turned loose to hunt for themselves. I have a list of questions so that I can make sure we take care of the problem and really fulfill the needs of this community. I will let you know what I find out and how we are going to remedy the situation.

Hopefully we will be able to get food to them quickly at least to fill their temporary needs and when we do we are going to ask Whisper if she can go and take the picture for us so we can post on our blog.

Now on to the fun part the reason why you stopped by today...

Its another edition of Saturday Pet Bloggers Blog Hop brought to you by Two Little Cavaliers, Life with Dogs, and Confessions of a Plume!

Here's how you can join the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop celebration:

* Link up your blog name and URL using the Linky Tool below. You only need to add you link once to be seen on all the Pet Blogger Blog Hop Linky Tools for that week.

* * Grab the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop button that our friends over on Life with Dogs made for us and include it in your Saturday Pet Bloggers Hop post so that your readers will know what is going on.

* * Follow your co-hosts listed in the first 3 slots of the Linky Tool and comment on their blogs to say hello!

* * Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like

* * Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from the Saturday Pet Bloggers Hop

* * Follow back when you get a new follower through the Saturday Pet Bloggers Blog Hop

The list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up with us each week you will be able to find the new links on my blog starting at 12:01 AM Eastern Time each week in case you are a party animal and want to get a head start. The link will close at 11:30pm Eastern on Monday night but you can still use the links to hop around the internet to find new anipals!

Idle Talk: