Mia photo courtesy of Petfinder
MIA...sweet Mia with the beautiful blue eyes!...
Mia was found in a vacated rental house in South Huntsville. The landlord went to clean the house and found a litter box and a cat...no food...no water!! When located, the tenant stated that the cat "would not get in the moving van," so he left her behind in the empty house. We guesstimate her to have a birthdate sometime in 2004-2005.
Mia is a gentle, soft spoken lap cat. She loves to be petted and loved upon; she would like nothing more than to have people of her own that treat her with respect and kindness. A safe, cozy place to lay her head would be ideal too : )
To be brushed, loved, petted, talked to and told she is beautiful...just a few things she has on her new family wish list.
Affectionate, friendly, considerate, mellow and soft-hearted are just a few words that come to mind when one talks about Mia. You will just not find a more gentle soul than her!!
Mia has tested positive for feline aids (FIV). This should in no way deter potential adopters from considering Mia as a wonderful addition to their family. Because Mia was a family pet and treated at a vet that has been know to vaccinate clients with the FIV vaccine, it is extremely possible that she tests positive for that reason and that reason only. Tests on FIV cannot differentiate between the vaccine and the virus...so testing positive does not mean that a cat is sick. Mia has been very healthy in the time she has been in foster care. She has never exhibited signs of disease or poor health. With proper nutrition and good veterinary care, Mia should live a long and healthy life. If you should ever have any questions about felines aids, its symptoms and conditions, please do not hesitate to ask anyone of our foster mothers or volunteers for information. We are here to guide you and inform you...so that you may make an educated decision on adoption...so that you don't miss an opportunity to adopt a wonderful lady like Mia!!
As with all Forgotten Felines cats for adoption, Mia is spayed and she is current on her shots and tests. For more information, please contact her Foster Mother, Laura at 256-420-8827.
Mia's Contact Info
Forgotten Felines Inc. , Huntsville, AL
- Phone: Please use email
- Email Forgotten Felines Inc.
- See more pets from Forgotten Felines Inc.
- For more information, visit Forgotten Felines Inc.'s Web site.
My goal for the Blog-A-Thon is twofold. 1.) Every hour on the hour we will be posting about an animal in need of a special home. My hope is that you will will help re-tweet each of our posts and share with your friends on Facebook in order to try and find all these special animals a fantastic home.
2.) I am raising money for Boggs Mountain Humane Rescue located in Tiger Georgia. If you make a purchase from my Stella & Dot E-Boutique my entire commission from each sale will be donated to the shelter. Please use hostess name Marika Elfenbein
It is not too late to Sponsor a post. All proceeds will go to Boggs Mountain Humane Shelter. Each post is $25 and you will be able to have 1 link to any family friendly site. Please visit our ChipIn page to make your donations.