Crypto Blog

Looking for a Giveaway so you can Participate in the Holiday Hop?

Promotion Source #1
As you might already know I am a member of which is one of the places that I use as a resource to find Reviews and Giveaways to share. I was just visiting to check out their new Promotions and found a product you all could potentially use for the Giveaway Holiday Hop for Pets. There might actually be more then one but I can't tell if one of the items is still available since I already did a review for it so you might want want to go through all the open Promotions to see what is available that interests you.Even if you don't get the item this time it never hurts to have a source of products to Review.

Promotion Source #2
I personally am looking for several Bloggers to help me out with a Giveaway Promotion from one of my Sponsors.

I am looking for a blogger with any of the following:
an Alexa Ranking of 500,000 or less
a Twitter Klout of 40 or higher (blog Post about the whole Klout thing later this week)
10,000+ pageviews a month
500+ active Facebook fans
International Fan Base (Canada, South /Central America, Europe, Asia, Middle East). Just tell us where your fans are from.
A unique pitch about why I should choose you even if you don't fit any of the above requests

If you fulfill any of these areas and are interested in working with me on a specific giveaway for this event please email me (Twolittlecavaliers{@}

If you are interested in participating and have a product to use for the giveaway PLEASE fill out the form if you think this is something you would like to join. We will add you to our mailing list and send you more details as the date gets closer. We anticipate this to be a high traffic event that will be heavily promoted so it will be an awesome opportunity for you to get your blog name out there!

If you would like to participate but don't know how to pitch a company for a Giveaway product or live Internationally check out the Book Depository for their selection of Books about Pets or for Pet Lovers or a Gift Certificate. They ship worldwide for free and have a pretty big selection and decent prices so a $10 or $15 gift certificate sponsored by you would go pretty far.

If you are a Sponsor and have an item you would like us to feature on our blog please feel free to email us about what you have in mind.

Idle Talk: