Through Pets America you can help your local Fire Department receive life saving Oxygen Masks for animals. Does your local Fire Department have the equipment necessary to help your entire family in the event of an emergency? Even though Oxygen masks are used daily in Veterinary Offices across the world most Fire Departments have not made such a crucial purchase. Whether it is budgetary restraints or lack of insight for the use of these life saving devices until it is too late I don't know but now we can all find out if our local community is equipped to save our family members. All you need to do is make a call to the Fire Department and ask if they have Animal Oxygen Masks do they just have one set or do they have enough to make sure that each of their fire trucks have them?
With the help of Pets America for $95 for a set of 3 mask sizes (large, medium, and small animal) you can help ensure the Animals in your community can be helped in an emergency. I am sure that if you got the community together you could outfit all the fire trucks in your local area and maybe even have a set or two for the local police as well. It would certainly be a great Be the Change Event in your local Community.
Pets America saves the lives of pets and the people who love them by providing educational programs about emergency preparedness and resources for disaster response. Through Pet First Aid & Disaster Response workshops, Pets America teaches people how to care for their animals before, during, and after an emergency. And, by collaborating with communities nationwide, Pets America is providing resources that help ensure that pets can be effectively included in local emergency management plans.