Crypto Blog

2 New Book Giveaway Hops for the New Year

For those of you who like to participate in Giveaway Hops either as a Blogger doing a giveaway or a participant to win some great things here are 3 New Giveaway Hops going on at the beginning of the New Year to keeps your eyes on. Two of the events is for everything having to do with books you will find lots of books and a bunch of gift card giveaways to either Amazon or the Book Depository which ships Internationally for FREE. If you are a publisher or an author and would like us to feature your book please email us!
No adult themed books please.

To sign your blog up for either of these events just click on the buttons add your name to the linky list and fill out the form so the organizer can email you with all the information you will need in order to participate.

Idle Talk: