Crypto Blog

Nina Ottosson Review

Interactive pet activity toys & treat puzzle games. Keep your pet occupied and mentally stimulated.

The Dog Finder is part of a growing collection of canine brain-teasers bearing engaging names such as “Dog Magic”, “Dog Brick” and “Dog Tornado”. Suitable for all breeds and sizes of dogs, Nina Ottosson activity games are designed to keep pooches mentally active while reinforcing a special canine-human bond. Solving these puzzles requires mental as well as physical dexterity to work through the challenges and reveal hidden food rewards. The Dog Finder is a little more challenging than some of the games in the collection and takes practice to master.
Davinia and Indiana were each sent a different Nina Ottosson activity game to try out. I was so exited when it arrived because I have wanted Indiana to try out the puzzle games for long time. I thought it could help her eat a little slower and maybe be a way to entertain them. But I would settle just for taking longer for her to eat.

The first time I put it down neither of the girls were sure what to do with it. They kind of looked at it for a while and walked away. I called them back over and showed them the kibble pieces under the dog bone shaped bricks. It took Indiana a while but she figure out how to move the bricks with her paws. Once she gets them loose with her paws she can move them over with her nose. Davinia isn't so keen on all the works just to get a few pieces of food so while she can move the bone shaped bricks she really isn't interested in that.

I was so excited when a second package came in the mail for them with another type of treat puzzle that I could keep the bricks out and she could just move the tiles with her nose. Since there are tiles on both sides of the board she gets a little confused with why she can only move them from one side at a time but she ate her whole breakfast this morning using the puzzle. I did have to move some of the tiles for her but she was wagging her tail and happy.

Indiana was happy this morning as well eating her whole breakfast from the puzzle. She is sort of like a bull in a china shop so it is a good thing theses are made from sturdy plastic because she paws at the bone shaped bricks until they move or flip over. She kind of throws them all over the floor around her and I have to clean them up as she goes because it scares her to step on one of the bricks. I am not sure why she doesn't use her mouth to lift the bricks out but neither of the girls will. Other dogs I have seen use their mouth to lift the bars out.

I know I am not going to use the puzzles for every meal every day but it is a great way to switch things up once in a while or for them to get their treats for the day. For Davinia she takes enough time to eat so the puzzle for her was just as an enrichment game but she isn't all that interested in figuring it out. Indiana as I said had fun eating her whole meal out of it this morning which means she had to move each brick twice and she was willing to do it.

Here's a video of them eating a few treats together.

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