Thanks to Trop 50 for sponsoring my writing about fabulous bloggers. This year Trop50 is granting 50 fabulous wishes. Click here to enter for a chance to win $1,000 to help grant a friend's wish!
I just want to start off my saying this is a list of the 5 Bloggers who I feel really make the biggest impact not only to me in my blogging career but really give back to others be that humans or animals. I hope you will visit them all so you can see for yourself just how amazing they are. This list is by no means in a particular order or the only Bloggers that I follow and have learned so much from. They happen to be ones that I have worked with and gotten to know in some capacity on a personal level not just throguh reading their blogs. They are all willing to help other Bloggers learn and grow and spread the word about events.
Neil & Nigel From the Pet Blogger Category:
Neil from Life with Dogs is seriously one of the most amazing people and is always there for my craziness whether it be me freaking out in an email or to chat on the phone so he can listen to yet another one of my crazy ideas. Neil is my Blogging Mentor our styles are completely different but our end goal is the same. I met Neil in April at BlogPaws (you will see that as a recurring theme in this post). We were both sponsored Bloggers at the event and so had the opportunity to get to know each other a bit. After the conference was over I contacted Neil about co-hosting the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop with me and things just went from there. If you are not a fan of Life with Dogs on Facebook you are really missing out on some amazing content. You will find everything from Breaking News about dogs, to thought provoking posts about hot topics, to awesome pet product giveaways, and of course awesome pictures of his dogs.
From the Vet Blogger Category:
Dr. V (better known as Jessica) of Pawcurious. I met Jessica at BlogPaws in April. I somehow sat down at the "cool" people table. You have to understand I literally did not even know there was a Pet Blogging Community. I knew I had a blog about dogs and that there were others out there but that was about it and certainly knew nothing about their blogs. Dr. V is so dedicated to helping dogs and their humans that she has a yearly 24hr Blog-A-Thon to raise money for a specific cause. This year she invited everyone to join her so we did. During these 24hr events she has what she likes to call her cooking segment where in order to raise money she will eat something gross. This year her cuisine of choice was cat litter. Yes you read that right she ate cat litter for charity! Watch the video to see for yourself. Visiting her blog today in order to just check some information for this post I found she had addressed a study that is coming out soon that I think everyone should take a look at so there isn't mass panic

Be the Change Blogger:
Romeo the Cat and his momma Caroline who also happen to be co-Founders of BlogPaws. Romeo with the help of his dedicated staff person has helped to raise thousands and thousands of dollars for small local rescue organization through their monthly FurPower events. FURPOWER is the name of their fundraising program. Each month, we select a different rescue organization to be the beneficiary of our fundraising efforts. In March we helped Animals in Distress in Coopersburg, PA. In April, Kitten Rescue of Los Angeles was our recipient. In May, we raised money for the Beaufort Community Cat Project in Beaufort, NC. In June, Angels for Animals in Canfield, Ohio was our beneficiary and July they helped the Spay Neuter Action Project of San Diego raise funds. Romeo is a well known little cat in the Pet Blogging Community. I have had the pleasure of working with Caroline and bouncing ideas off of her for future events. She cares about the Pet Blogging Community and is willing to help out with any project even if it is just helping to spread the word. You will instantly fall in love with Romeo once you get to know his quirky cat ways.

Yvonne, Caroline, and Tom

In the Women Blogger Category:
Yvonne with her two blogs Lipsticking and Scratching and Sniffing as well as being a BlogPaws Co-Founder Yvonne has a fantastic group of women put together on Lipsticking to help share the things women want to read. They share everything from Blogging tips to things to help you in your everyday life. I will admit that I don't follow this blgo as closely as I should but whenever I see a new post went up on Facebook I will click through to read it. Yvonne is another incredible blogger to learn from and work with. She really has a grasp of social media and how to use it for your businesses advantage. Yvonne is working hard to grow the BlogPaws Pet Blogger community and I know there are amazing things coming. All good things take time right well this is going to be amazing. I cannot wait for everyone to see what is to come.

In the Mommy Blogger Category -
The stand out choice for me is Stacie over at Simply Stacie. In the past year and a little bit I have been watching how she has transformed her blog from one of many to Award Winning. You will never find a lack of content on her blog she always has book reviews, product reviews, giveaways, guest posts, she introduces new bloggers to her followers, and really interacts with everyone on her blogs Facebook Page. What you don't know is that Stacie is always willing to help out other Bloggers whether that is to answer their questions, participate in their events, or even ask her followers for advice via Facebook and Twitter so that the big picture is seen. Stacie recently wrapped up V Awareness Week where she shared information on the chronic pain condition, vulvodynia. Millions of women worldwide suffer from vulvodynia including herself. She felt it was important to share her story so women all over the world would not feel alone. Please click on the button to learn more about this devastating condition and read my story.
Don't forget to enter the 50 Fabulous Wishes contest for a chance to win $1,000 to support a friend's wish. I was selected for this Tropicana Trop50 sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do. I received compensation to use and facilitate my post.