Crypto Blog

National Pet Travel Safety Day

Regardless of the fact that many dogs like riding in the car or in the back of a truck, and you may consider yourself a skilled driver, neither one of you are safe from poorly skilled, intoxicated or irresponsible drivers. More accidents happen just a few miles from home than in distant places because drivers are familiar with their surroundings and driving less defensively. Think about this the next time you are just going to throw your dog in the backseat or the back of the truck to go down to the local market or gas station. Believe me, I have seen this happen over and over again. Don’t be careless….just as you would your kids – buckle up your dog every time you put him in the car.

At just 10 M.P.H. to an abrupt stop, such as an animal running of in front of your car, your dog is at great risk of flying into or through the windshield and at the very least, suffering broken bones from the blunt force trauma of being thrust into the back of the seat, hitting the dashboard or flying out the back of your truck. Many small dogs that ride on their owner’s laps are often crushed to death from the impact of the person’s body against the steering wheel, where sadly the dog will often be between.

There are many good safety harnesses and crates available today which prevent this kind of injury to your dog. For a dog that may get car sick, to keep you from distraction, put down a durable seat cover or towel prior to departure so that if you hear your dog vomiting, you won’t be inclined to worry about your upholstery and take your eyes off the road – you can simply ignore it until it’s safe to pull off the road. Another thing that is helpful is to avoid having a car full of screaming children if you have a road nervous dog. Children’s loud voices, crying, laughing or screaming can make an especially newly adopted dog very anxious and behave in an aggressive manner – harnessed or not.

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