The Ralph Steadman Book of Dogs, by Ralph Steadman
This is a wonderful collection of 90 cartoon depictions of dogs and their antics and foibles, 45 in color and 45 in black & white. Steadman clearly loves dogs, and shows them to us through the lens of his quirky and sometimes slightly twisted sense of humor. Because I reviewed this book in electronic form on my Nook, I did not get the full benefit of the color pictures, but even with that limitation, this was a delightful book to enliven a quiet evening.
It's only fair to mention that there are one or two cartoons that parents may not want to explain to younger children.
I received an electronic galley of this book for review from the publisher via NetGalley.
Reviewer Bio:
Lis and Addy
Lis Carey is a librarian with an odd sense of humor, who finds excitement in helping people find the information they need, and in the varied corners of library work--reference, cataloging, circulation, resource development, reader's advisory. She reads voraciously and enjoys a wide variety of material--including, of course, fiction and non-fiction about dogs and cats. Addy, her Chinese Crested, is always happy to keep her company while reading, and occasionally tries to help write the reviews.
Check out her Blog Lis Carey's Library for more Book Reviews.