Crypto Blog

Make a New Friend Tuesdays: Buzz the Diabetic Dog

Every Tuesday we introduce you to a new blogging friend. We know that Blog Hops can get overwhelming and you don't really get to know everyone you just want to be able to stop by to say hello to get to say hi to everyone on the list.

We came up with Make a New Friend Tuesdays. This way we can really get to know a bit about our new friends and everyone can drop by to say hello since its one blog once a week. Don't worry we will still be having Blog Hops this is just a bonus! This is a much more intimate way to get to know your fellow Bloggers and introduce yourself to them. I love getting to actually spend a few minutes looking through their posts to see what their blog is all about and of course getting to see pictures!

If you would like your blog to be featured please fill out this form and we will feature your blog.

Buzz, the Diabetic dog

Twitter princessbella2u

Buzz and Bella
I am a 24 year old newlywed with 2 terrier mix dogs. I am a graduate student at the University of Kentucky - studying neurobiology. I don't really have much time for anything outside of school, other than my husband (who is also a grad student at UK in neurobiology) and our dogs.

My favorite animals are dogs, my favorite food is Olive Garden's steak gorgonzola alfredo, and my favorite color is pink.

Buzz Our oldest dog is Buzz. He is a terrier mix and we think he's 5ish years old. He was recently diagnosed with diabetes and the purpose of my blog is to post up-to-date, accurate information as we are dealing with getting him regulated and healthy. A lot of information on the internet is wrong and I also wanted to have a place where my family can get updates on Buzz.

His favorite food is, well, pretty much everything. But right now he's on a high protein diet to help regulate his sugar. He loves to play with his stuffingless fox... oh, and he LOVES to cuddle and sleep.

Bella is the dog we've had the longest - since she was 3 months old. She is now almost 3 years old and has had her fair share of medical problems. She developed large bladder stones that needed to be surgically removed and is now on a special food to prevent more from forming.

Bella loves to boss Buzz around and steal his toys. She also is what is known as a velcro dog - stuck to my side whenever I'm home. She also loves to bring toys to anyone she thinks will pet her and love her - but she won't let them have the toy, she just wants them to know she has it!

Idle Talk: