World Famous Popovich Comedy Pet Theater features Gregory Popovich and his cast of jugglers, clowns, 15 house cats, 10 dogs, 4 geese, 8 white doves, and 2 parrots. This family-friendly show is a unique blend of comedy, juggling skills, and the extraordinary talents of Popvich's performing pets. They love to show off onstage, performing a variety of stunts and skits! Audiences across the nation have been delighted to see this extravaganza of European-style clowning, juggling and balancing acts, and of course, very talented performing pets.
All animal performers are rescused from shelters and are trained by Gregory Popovich himself. Each of his animals lives with him and his family and is a treasured family member.
If you are near Huntsville, Alabama and have some time in the next few days click the link to find out more your local performance.