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Tips to keep your dog Healthy during the Summer

Above Photo: Davinia playing at a secure dog park

With the warmer months upon us I thought I would discuss outdoor play. Whether a day in the backyard or a few hours by the beach these tips will help you keep your baby safe and healthy.
1. Remember to bring fresh drinking water and a bowl so that your dog can have something to drink. If you are thirsty your dog probably is too.
2. If it is really hot a spray bottle or hose or swimming area is important to keep your dog cool.
3. Make sure the pavement is not too hot for their little paws. On very hot days reach down and touch the ground to make sure your little one will not burn their paws.
4. Find some shade to rest under or bring a pop-up tent or umbrella so that there is some shade for your baby to relax and cool off under.
5. During the warmer months your dog will want to drink more water. Make sure you check their bowls more often to insure they have a ready supply.
6. Ice is a fun snack! Frozen fruit like bananas and melon or frozen pumpkin cubes all make yummy snacks to help cool your dog off.
7. After a day at the beach or a long walk make sure your little dog is no longer panting heavily and gums are no longer bright red before feeding a meal or treat- water yes dinner no.
8. Make sure your dog one is on heartworm as well as flea and tick preventative. If they have not been receiving either of these products through the winter make sure to contact your vet for an appointment for a heartworm test so that you can restart the preventative.
9. If you happen to own a light skinned Crested make sure to put sunscreen on them for exposure over 30 minutes. If you will be out at the beach or on the boat or at the lake for the entire day even if you have a fully coated dog it should have protection like shade from the sun.
10. Remember the hottest most direct sunlight occurs between 11am and 4pm if possible plan your outdoor adventures before or after these time slots.
11. Do not allow your dog to run loose in an insecure area. If you have never been somewhere with your dog before leave them on a longer leash until you feel comfortable letting them run free.
12. After the long winter of snow, ice, and rain be sure to check your fence line for any new holes or uneven areas and fill them in before you allow your dog to be off leash.
Never ever leave your dog in the car with the air off and the windows up for any amount of time.
Enjoy the fresh air and the sun on your face!

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