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Many of you know that several weeks ago it was brought to my attention to E-bay allows the sale of live animals in their Classified section. You can read my original post here At the end of the post I asked everyone to join in and spread the word about E-bays deceptive practices of going against their own rules to allowing the listing of live animals. It spread all the way to who created a petition written to the E-bay Executives.
We know we have gotten their attention because the Classified section had a bit of a remodel since attention was called to this but they are still allowing the sale of live animals through their site. Little steps are helpful but we need to keep our eyes on the bigger picture. To this end will be sponsoring an email campaign this Thursday (2/17) to help get even more signatures on the petition before it is officially sent to E-bay.
I am hoping we can count on all of you to help this final push and post about the sale of Live animals on E-bay by posting on your blog, donating your Facebook status, or even a tweet or two on Thursday to help put a stop to this once and for all. I am awaiting the Press Release which I will make available to anyone who would like to see it and possibly pass it along to any reporters they might know.
If you would like to post PLEASE do so on either Thursday or Friday in order to gain the most impact for this event.