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Children's Book Review: Danny the Dragon "Meets Jimmy" and Danny the Dragon Dreams CD

Danny The Dragon "Meets Jimmy"
written by Tina Turbin
http://www.TinaTurbin.comillustrated by Aija Jasuna
Danny the Dragon and his traveling companion and navigator Skipper meet a new friend when Jimmy's family goes on a trip to the beach. How they meet is most unusual and exciting and teaches children to look for special things even in the most common places. I love the fact that Danny the Dragon is a friendly Dragon more from Asian Mythology then the fire breathing type from Western Mythology.
This book is well written and easy for little ones to understand. The pictures are perfect to help spark little readers imaginations. This is a great book for a little boy or a little girl to share with her daddy.
I brought the book with me when I went to visit a friend last weekend. The second I took this book out of my bag and showed it to my friend's daughter her eyes lite up and she took it from my hands and ran out of the room with it and placed it in her bookshelf. I asked her if we could go and get it to read during the course of the time I spent there and she kept insisting it was for bedtime and that we couldn't read it yet. Since I still needed it to write my review her mom had to go and get it from the bookshelf. I guess she really liked it and knew exactly when she wanted it read to her during her favorite story time and not in the middle of the day.

I really like the CD I think it is a perfect addition to book Danny the Dragon "Meets Jimmy". It allows children to read along and tells them when to turn the pages even if they cannot read the words. It is read in a calm soothing voice great for before bedtime. The way I see this CD working best is by everyone getting ready for bed and cuddling up with mommy or daddy for story time. You can press play on the CD player and help your child read along and then place them in their beds and allow them to fall asleep to the 10 Classical pieces on the CD.
If it is not bedtime and you want to give your child a good quite time activity while you are in the kitchen getting dinner ready or busy with things around the house. You could turn on the CD and allow your child to listen with a stack of paper and some crayon and let their imaginations run wild. The music is very soothing and will allow their creativity to flow. Of course you would want to check on your child every so often to make sure they are ok but I feel this would be a great activity.
To purchase the Book or CD please visit
Profits from the CD are donated to support research for Celiac Disease at Columbia University in order to help promote awareness of this autoimmune disease and help in developing diets specifically for those with Celiac's Disease. Celiac Disease Center – Dr. Peter Green.

Stay tuned for the Review of the Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy DVD which will be going up on Sunday. I am so excited to share the DVD with all of you. I it is my favorite part of the collection but I don't want to spoil the surprise. Win the CD direct from the authors website! KIDS March 2010 Danny the Dragon Contest details: Share what you like best about this Danny the Dragon website below. The lucky winner will receive a free Danny the Dragon DREAMS audio-book! The Danny the Dragon story is read, followed by 10 beautiful classical songs composed by working professionals in Hollywood California.
To learn more about Celiac's Disease watch this video with Dr. Peter Green on CBS Watch CBS News Videos Online
I was contacted by Tina Turbin the author of Danny the Dragon to write this review. In order to write this review I received the hardcover version of the book as well as the CD. I was not given any monetary compensation in order to write the review nor was my review censored in anyway. I want to Thank Tina Turbin for the opportunity to review this book and promote the sales of the CD to help support Celiac Disease Research.

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