Crypto Blog

Carnival of Cats #365

Goings on Around the Cat Blog World

Thank you to Catsparella for introducing us to the Animal Planet series, Must Love Cats, specifically the episode with Greg Kreuger, his amazing customized cat house, and his pack of six darling "Fur Kids" that make the house his home. Check out the video to see what host of the show John Fulton had to say about meeting Greg and his Fur Kids. When you are done watching the video be sure to read Catsparella's exclusive interview with Greg Kreuger.

The House of Chaos discusses in their post Affected affections? a rather interesting study which has found that cats like us not only for the food and shelter we give them, but that they actually appreciate us for the company we provide as well.

Mind of Mog Incriminating Evidence It looks like a resident kitty is breaking down and hanging out with the family. I guess even cats can't ignore their family forever.

For those of you who haven't had the chance to stop by the brand new Life with Cats you will love the video of the naked kitty swimming in the bathtub called Splishy Splashy! Apparently no one told this kitty not to like the water.

Life from A Cat's Prospetive shows us a photo collage of Samantha and Clementine hanging out together playing.

iMeowza is celebrating a Birthday make sure to stop by to say Happy Birthday.

Over at Anniemiz they had a pretty rough week with resident Miles needing to have a dental with teeth pulled and everything. We are so glad to hear he is home and resting well on antibiotics. Make sure to stop by to wish poor Miles well.

Paper Princess wants to know if you have a toy box to store all of your toys in and if you ever decide to take your toys out so you can curl up inside for a nap. If you visit her blog you will even get to see a picture of her all cuddled up inside.

Poor Maddie from StrangerRanger has a winky eye. We know all about that here as we tend to give ourselves winky blinky eyes (corneal ulcers from keeping our heads to the ground on walks) at least once a year. We hope you don't need medicine that you have to have in your eye. We don't like that very much at all.

Nikita over at Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat is an avid reader and wants to share her opinions of several books for and about cats with all of us: Devious Cats, Cat's Letters to Santa, & Love DAT Cat. I love how she shares pictures of herself reading the books she seems very engrossed in them. Nikita if you want a job reviewing books for us we would love to have you.

If you aren't aren't inked up with the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop what are you waiting for? Its a great way to meet other Pet Bloggers and find out what's going on in our community. The list is open all weekend and is new each week.

For the human dessert lovers among us visit Sweet Tea with Cindy for a Chocolate Eclair Ring Recipe.

Help Japan:

Gotoku-ji Temple in the Setagaya ward in the western suburbs of Tokyo.
Cat Island Japan (Tashirojima) will continue to be in our Hearts and Thoughtsas we await any news if the Island survived. Update: since the original posting of the Carnival of Cats I have found out that elderly humans and the cats of Tashirojima survived. They are still in need of our thoughts and prayers and are trying to find food for all the Islands inhabitants. I have been told that Dr V. of Pawcurious is working on trying to get relief to the Island and that they will have a plan in place to do that tomorrow.

To learn more about the maneki nekos, the beckoning cats from the Gotoku-ji Temple in the Setagaya ward in the western suburbs of Tokyo visit
Thank you CatSynth for sharing your love of Japan with us. It makes what happened seem closer to home even if we have never visited Japan.

Thank you to StrangeRanger for letting us know that Maru the kitty has checked in from Japan is is doing well.

Rainbow Bridge:

Run free and healthy at the Rainbow Bridge Mickey the Black Cat


Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul Adult Cat Food
The Prize Pack which is provided by Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul, includes: three sample bags of the adult cat dry formula; a $30 gift card to and a copy of the Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul book.

Kakadu Slicker Brush
We know no one likes grooming time but we though you might like to know about a tool that features a one touch, press & release cleaning mechanism, the retractable stainless steel pins make cleaning the brush easy.

SimplyFido Earth Friendly Pet Products
Bamboo Nap Mat and Organic Cotton Pet Toy. We think this product is perfect for a small or medium dog or even a cat that likes to curl up on something nice and soft.

Upcoming Events:
Nikita Cat wants to tell us all about a great new event in Los Angeles and Long Beach California where kitties are invited to mingle with each other at the store Pussy & Pooch. There are 4 dates coming up so be sure to check out their blog for all the information in case you live in the area and can attend.

Nikita Cat also wants to let those of you who live near the Long Beach/Belmont Shore store there is an important event there this month: Sunday Mar 13 & 27 | 1.30pm-4.30pm
The Vaccination Station Wellness Clinics provide you with affordable pet vaccinations.

Carnival of Cats Information
If you missed last week's Carnival of Cats be sure to visit

To learn more about the Carnival of Cats be sure to visit

Idle Talk: