I met the executive director of WorldVets Dr. Cathy King at BlogPaws West and got to hear a little bit about their organization. Dr. King has already mobilized a team to go to Japan and provide aid to established groups that are already present. They will need all the help they can get in order to assist in the devastation. To that end, Two Little Cavaliers has joined Blog Paws Be the Change in declaring Thursday, March 17th “Paws for Japan” Day. We will be raising awareness of the World Vets effort and encouraging people to donate to their vital work.

How you can help
1. Grab the badge(s).
2. On March 17th, post, tweet, or share on Facebook about the World Vets effort for animal relief in Japan. Be as creative as you wish in promoting the cause!
3. A blog hop will be created on the 17th please be sure to add your blog link.
4. Grab the WorldVet Chipin Widget to aid Japan and display it on your blog