Information came in late Saturday night that bets were being made in a dogfighting ring. A search warrant was obtained for a home in the 500 block of Ida Maybee Road in Raisinville Township. Police and Sheriffs officials went to the home about 1:30 a.m. Sunday and seized a dog training treadmill, a dogfighting ring in the garage, cocaine, marijuana and more than $40,000. Eighteen people were arrested at the home; eight others fled. In a twist that only you all will appreciate those who fled where tracked down by 3 police K-9 Units for a total of 26 arrests.
After questioning those arrested the story told to police was that they had come to the Raisinville Township home for a championship dogfighting match to lay big wagers from all over the US. The only problem is neither the owner of the home or the person renting the home from the owners were home at the time of the raid. The home owners rented their house 18 months ago to a lady and her two teenage children along with their family pets a Pomeranian and an English Bulldog. The person at the home at the time of the bust was the renters boyfriend who does own a Pitt Bull. The renter claims she was out of town and further claims that she knew nothing of the event. I think that is complete garbage. I think it is more likely that the boyfriend was abusing her and told her to keep quiet under threat of who knows what. We know that when someone is capable of torturing and abusing animals they are more then capable of abusing people.
The home owners seem genuinely shocked and upset by what they found out took place in their home and are cooperating with police in the investigation. The home owners are animal lovers and had no problem with the tenants dogs living in the home only no one told them there was a Pit Bull or the dog fighting ring boyfriend living there. From what was seized from the garage it seems like this event had been going on for at least several days and that in all likely-hood the tenant knew the boyfriend was fighting his dog in the garage. If this was a championship event this wasn't the first time those dogs were put into the ring so should the girl friend be arrested as well since she had to know something or should she be questioned by police to see what she knows and if it does come out that he was abusing her along with the dogs that she is allowed to leave police custody?
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