March 19th through the 25th is National Animal Poison Prevention Week. Help keep your pets safe and healthy by following tips and advice to prevent poisoning. Make sure to spread the word, because a healthy pet is a happy pet!
1. Lillies
2. Canine permethrin insecticides (topical flea and tick medication for dogs)
3. Household Cleaners
4. Rodenticide (mouse and rat poison)
5. Paints and varnishes
6. Non-steriodal anti-inflammatory veterinary medications such as meloxicam, Rimadyl, and Deramaxx
7. Glow Sticks/ glow jewelry
8. Amphetamines, such as ADD/ADHA drugs
9. Acetaminophen (Tylenol in Brand name or generic form)
10. Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin in brand name or generic form)
Many of the items listed are toxic to humans as well so if your pet can get into it chances are your child could too. Make sure to check back throughout the week for more Animal Poison Awareness information.