Before I share Mariaelena's post with all of you I personally wanted to thank all of you for helping. For spreading this family's story, for trying to get them home together. Thank you for every single tweet and Facebook share, telephone call, and face to face telling of this family's story. This was truly a Global Community effort and you all shined.
I have seen the power of Pet Bloggers in action before but this was the first truly Global effort I have been involved with. It was your love and passion for animals that alerted WorldVets and Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support (JEARS) to this families plight and had them responding and corresponding with the family within hours of the plea hitting the internet. WorldVets offered to transport the 2 dogs and 2 cats with one of their team members in the coming days who needed to get back to the US. JEARS opened their shelter and said they would hold the dogs and cats as long as it would take for arrangements to be made in order to get them home all that would need to be done was to figure out a way to drive the animals to the shelter location.
Within 12 hours Pets for Patriots had contacted me with information to try and help the family. I was also contacted by a reporter for Stars and Stripes the US Military newspaper to try and find out more details of the situation. I have received emails, private messages, and tweets from people all over the world trying to offer suggestions for the family as well as their love and support.

Mariaelena and Bella
From Mariaelena -
I need to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that responded. I got a lot of good information, emails, phone calls, and advice. Unfortunately I will not be able to fly my pets back to California by Friday with us. I did get many calls and emails about plenty of local rescues here in Japan. My husband is due home shortly and I will have a neighbor check in on them.
My husband will take care of evacuating them, along with assisting the rest of the base when the time comes. I can only imagine how many other people there are in my situation. I've shared all information that I got here with the community. Susie has been a HUGE help. I don't know how I can ever repay her. She truly has a heart of gold. It will be good to be somewhere safe but I have a heavy heart about leaving my beloved pets behind.
I have to have faith in the people that know what they are talking about and hope that my husband and the animals can get out safely if and when they need to. I never imagined having to be separated from my husband during a time like this. But I trust him. I'll update everyone, including the personal emails and FB posts I got as soon as I land.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mariaelena ♥