Mariaelena Rodriguez Geoffray and BellaI saw a link to a note on Facebook for a desperate plea from a military family being evacuated from Japan today and are being told they cannot take their pets with them. Do you have any contacts that could help them get their pets out or knwo they will be safe until they can be put on a plane to join their family?
A Tehachapi, California family who is active duty military in Japan needs help evacuating their pets along with the family. Here is the message that was received from the family. You can feel the desperation this family is feeling as moment by moment their choices for bringing their pets back to the US deteriorate.
"There will be nobody to fly my animals if I'm gone by tomorrow. Anyway, I have an appointment for the animals to get their health certs at 1:30 my time and I'll be searching for any flight that can take animals for tomorrow. I don't leave until 6:30 pm so I have time to spare at the airport. I can't believe this is really happening. The military flights wont fly animals unless I'm on PCS orders. I'm not, we've lived here too long now." DOES ANYONE HAVE MILITARY OR GOVT CONNECTIONS TO HELP? Our military families in Japan need our support. They should not have to leave their pets behind in an evacuation!
More from the military family:
[...] this is breaking my heart! It's only me and my kids. My husband isn't even here to help out. The animals know something is going on. I'm quickly running out of options.
I have no idea how to get in contact with those [organizations]. I could just hang out at the airport and hope for the best?
I'm flying Singapore Air. They do not fly animals at all. They gave me the number to PetMovers. Unbelievable! I'm at Yokota Ab, I will be at Narita Airport tomorrow, 18 March. I just emailed Heart-Tokushima.
I just got off the phone with American Airlines...they told me they would not fly animals today anyway. It's too cold! It must be 7-8 degrees c. ???!!! He told me to try Fed Ex.
I have confirmation that both Japanese Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support along with WorldVets have reached out to her and are hoping that they can reach a solution that will allow for peace of mind when she leaves with her children on Friday (Japanese Time). The situation at this point is that NO airline will fly animals out of the country from her location due to the weather which is very cold and in some places it is even snowing hampering rescue and relief efforts for sure but at the same time making it unsafe and against airline policy to fly animals. The temperature outside must be above a certain cutoff point in order for animals to fly cargo this is for their health. The family being in a desperate situation and being forced to leave while she is in country alone with her children and the pets is overwhelming for her. My last communication from her was that she is desperate to find a an airline that will fly the 2 dogs and 2 cats when she leaves and not have to leave them behind even if there are promises to get the animals to her and that they will be cared for in the interim.
I feel like the only way to get them out at this point is via private plane or transport that would allow the dogs and cats to be in cabin (crated) so they can be in the temperature regulated area with the family. I don't know that either the private plane or transport will be found in time to help this family.
There are likely other families begin forced to make the same decision. Leave because the military is evacuating them and because it is an evacuation and not change of orders they are being forced to leave their pets behind. If the base is evacuating there will be no one left (or possibly a very minimal support staff) that will be able to watch the animals until other arrangements are made. Its not like they can ask their neighbors or friends to keep them for a week or two until things have calmed down no one will be left. Please continue to keep this particular family and all the families being evacuated and forced to leave their pets behind whether military or private companies.
As more information becomes available if it becomes available I will update. I have messaged the family but wanted to post to give anyone still awake tonight the ability to reach out to their contacts.
If you can help transport the 2 dogs and 2 cats along with the family please contact me and I will put you in touch with the family.