Dauchsund playtimeSeveral days ago we told you that we had found some information about a Pet Store owner who was caring for 120 dogs and a number of cats who were made homeless by the Tsunami. Some dogs are at the facility because their owners are missing or because their owners are in an Evacuation Shelter that either doesn't allow animals or just because they feel that their dog or cat would be happier here.

Shiba Inu stopping play for a quick drinkWhatever the reason behind why the dogs are living at the facility they are living the life of luxury. They get to spend time in the sun each day playing in the grass with their friends both dog and human. They play games and socialize with their tails wagging and bellies full. They are getting fresh food and water and a ton of attention. They even have access to veterinary attention if it is necessary. The dogs all seem happy.

Enjoying the sun. Time for a belly tan!The facility where the dogs are being cared for is called Dogwood and it is actually a dog hotel, training facility, grooming parlor, and pet supply store with its own dog park! So while they are way above their normal capacity for doggy boarders they do have the facility and know how to care for the animals in their care. They have figured out how to create emergency animal housing for those who need to stay with them.

We found you! Some dogs and cats are basically boarding at the facility at cost while their owners await a more permanent housing solution where their dogs and cats are allowed to be with them. Other dogs and cats have been rescues from calls as far away as Fukushima where owners thought they were only going to be leaving their home for a day or two and would be able to return to feed their animals. When it was clear that was not the case several pet owners in tears got in touch with the facility and begged them to retrieve their pets and board them until they could be back together.

Time for some one on one attention with volunteers Volunteers are aware that some dogs and cats are traumatized so need attention and special care and when they first arrive at the facility need to be kept quiet and relaxed until they feel safe again and can play with the other dogs. Their mental and health issues are being addressed but I really think that with all the other dogs around who are having fun and socializing it will help them heal faster then if they were at home with their families or in the overcrowded shelters were they are unable to move around or play much. From what I understand if the owner of the facility is able to figure out a way to get the dog or cat they will go out and get them and bring them back. Which means there are probably a number of new guests staying with them since I first told you about this story.

Hey wait for me! I might be little but I want to play too. I contacted JEARS to see if they could find out more information about the facility and if the dogs were being cared for. A press contact saw the post and gave us information about where the dogs were being cared for. JEARS was going to follow up to make sure they had all the supplies they needed but from what I understand they have enough supplies currently. This facility has been featured in the Japanese Press and had several photographers visit as well as go out with the owner of the facility to look for more animals that need help. Since they have been in the media they have received an outpouring of donations including money, food (for the volunteers and animals), supplies, and clothing for volunteers. Since I do not speak Japanese and the only way for me to read their blog is through a translator I am unclear as to if they are actually taking donations at this time or not. If I find out from JEARS that they are in need of anything I will pass along the information to all of you.
More pictures of the dogs being cared for:

Why are you taking pictures? Come play!

Big dog playtime!

Going for a run with a friend in the field

Naptime. Shhhh!

Hanging out making new friends

Volunteer housing