You can see the story of these dogs being rescued here http://bit.ly/dMIy3X
Please help spread this post so it can get to the people most desperate for information on how to help their pets.
I have been asked to pass along the information that there are rescues going into the Fukushima Exclusion Zone. Many people who had already been evacuated and those evacuated this week have for the most part not had access to the internet so they don't know that there are groups willing to go into the Fukushima Exclusion Zone to pick up animals that were left behind. Some people were told they could not bring their pets with them to the shelters and others were told they would be back in a day or two and should leave their pets as there was no other option. There are options they just aren't aware of them because they have not been able to get access to the internet to find out. If you have family or friends in Japan please pass this message along to them even those who are far from the destruction might know someone who could use this information.
JEARS and the UKC Japan along with several smaller rescues and organizations have been able to safely get dogs and cats out of the area. JEARS is willing to take the animals to their shelter until they can be reunited with their owners but their official policy is not to go into the Exclusion Zone. UKC Japan will go into the Exclusion Zone if they are told where the animals should be and how many there are. No rescues will go into the area and just search for animals as prolonged exposure in these areas could be life threatening so they need to have as much information about the animals and their location as possible.
The rescuers have been bringing the dogs and cats to centers in order to test them for radiation and so far the animals have not shown high levels and are able to go into foster homes or shelters until their owners can pick them up. There are men and women willing to go into these areas to help bring animals left behind out.
Please try to use the contact information below first. I took it directly off of the UKC Blog which is written in Japanese. If that doesn't work you can email JEARS directly and they can try and find help from some of the other organizations they work with. I have had email conversations with several of their volunteers and they have always been very helpful and grateful for information on where to find animals or information about how they can help. Their teams are sent out from Niigata on a daily basis in order to have fresh supplies and bring the animals they find back to the shelter. They can easily dispatch their rescue teams to the areas that have been effected by the Earthquake and Tsunami so they are able to determine where they need to go each day to best help the animals. They are willing to drop food off at people's homes or the Evacuation Shelters as it is very difficult to find pet food in the devastated areas. The more information you can provide the more they can help.
A quick note from JEARS:
JEARS is willing to help as many animals as they can but they need full information on where to find them including:
- the number of animals breeds and descriptions if possible
- owners name(s) and contact information
- if this was from a news story and pictures when the story was first aired and the writers contact information
- will the animals be inside or were they left roaming
General Association UKC JAPAN Contact information in English and Japanese
〒621-0046 京都府亀岡市千代川町北ノ庄惣堂6番3 〒 621-0046 3 # 6 Langley Hall千代川町北No庄Kameoka, Kyoto Prefecture
T TEL : 0771-24-6324 T TEL: 0771-24-6324
FAX : 0771-24-6504 FAX: 0771-24-6504
携帯090-1157-2499 (タッズ母の携帯です) Mobile 090-1157-2499 (the mother cell Tazzu)
〒621-0046 京都府亀岡市千代川町北ノ庄惣堂6番3
TTEL : 0771-24-6324
FAX : 0771-24-6504
携帯090-1157-2499 (タッズ母の携帯です)
More contact information for UKC to ask for help this might be the location they are working out of now but the page I was told to look is completely in Japanese and I had to use Google Translate to try and get the information I was looking for.
〒 253-0102
神奈川県高座郡寒川町小動341 Samukawa, Kanagawa Prefecture town county Kouza小動341
グローリータッズ湘南 Shonan Guroritazzu
TEL:0467-84-7456 FAX:0467-84-7457 TEL :0467-84-7456 FAX :0467-84-7457
TEL:0467-84-7456 FAX:0467-84-7457