Yoshi (He's in the tux) and one of my Female Shih Tzu, LiLi.

A little bit about me & why I started to make dog bows & paint portraits...
I can't even remember a time where animals or art were not a part of my life. I've been very blessed to always have had a pet growing up, mostly dogs. Currently I share my life with 3 Shih Tzus & 3 Pit Bulls as well as 6 parrots. My husband and I are heavily involved in animal rescue, we foster and find forever homes for pets that need them, so most of my pets are rescues. I'm a self taught artist and paint pet portraits, faux finishes and murals. Because animals are such a big part of my life it was only natural that I paint them.
In Oct 2005 my first Shih Tzu Lola passed away at 18yrs old. I was blessed to be able to share a part of my life with my Lola. Five months later, in March, Yoshi came into my life. The second i laid eyes on him he had me wrapped around his lil dewclaw. I prefer my dogs in full coat, and finding a bow for boys was a little difficult so I started making bows for my Yoshi. I would be at the dog park and people always asked me where I bought my dog bows when I would tell them I made them. A lot of people asked if i could design a few for their dogs, and of course I did because I enjoy creating :). Before you know it people started to tell their friends and the rest, as they say, is history :)
Hope this gives you some insight into my world of pet portraits and Dog Bows :) If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

If you are like me you have no idea how to actually get a bow in your dogs ears or top knot. Here are some instructions to help you put the bows in your dog's ears and top knots.
1~ Gather a section of hair on the ear & attach a grooming band, careful not to attach band to close to the skin, wrap band around section of hair twice, making a "ponytail".
2~ Divide the ponytail into two by taking the top part of the ponytail and slipping bow onto the top section of ponytail. ideally you just want to slip the bow onto this section without wrapping the bands that are attached to the bow onto the hair. However, depending on the amount of hair gathered for ponytail you might have to wrap the bow bands twice. The bands sewn on the bows are just for placement of the Dog Bow.
3~ With your Dog Bow in place gather both sections of hair into one ponytail again, and attach final grooming band under the Dog Bow, securing the dog bow. Ta da! your done =) Just a reminder all dog bows should be taken out when you are not able to directly supervise your pet. Bows should also be taken out when your dog goes to sleep so that it does not damage their hair or fur.
The Review:
When I first came across All About Yoshi I fell in love with her bows. They are so girlie and cute even the ones she makes for boys are adorable. She puts time and energy into everything she creates and it shows.
I have been tried to get Davinia and Indiana or at least one of them to cooperate with me to let me put these adorable bows in their ears. They are so cute but I guess because they have never had bows before they want no part of this modeling gig. They try to paw them out or shake their heads while I am trying to put them in. I really wish they would cooperate because the bows we were sent are so unbelievably cute. That is if I could extract them from under my bed to actually try to get them in.

We received 2 with little D's on them and 2 with little I's on them plus an extra for a foster dog we had here when we first received our package. The bows came in a clear plastic storage box so you can see what is inside but keep them as clean as possible. These bows are so beautiful and worthy of a very special occasion. Of course I didn't take a picture with her wearing her little bow thinking that once I had Davinia and Indiana bathed that I could slip the bows on long enough to snap at least one picture. For those of you with dogs who actually will wear a bow for you her Bow Collections are an amazing price for the work that she puts into each and every bow you can check them out here
I am going to be honest with you. If I had a daughter or a niece or lived anywhere near a friend with a little girl the right age I would have totally put her hair in little pigtails and taken a few pictures. I was able to get one of the bows attached to the back of Davinia's neck but that looked really silly so I refrained from snapping a picture to share with all of you.

On the other hand the Cavalier Magnet that she sent us has a place of honor on my fridge and is currently holding important documents so I don't loose them. The Cavalier is so true to life that she used glittery paint to show the highlights in the Cavaliers ears. These are adorable and would make a fantastic Mother's Day Gift for your mom or grandma or a doggy mom you know. She creates both stock images of different breeds or will custom paint your pet. Either way these are a great price and something that will be cherished.
Speaking of gifts she also makes adorable Custom Christmas Ornaments.
Make a purchase: Visit All About Yoshi http://www.etsy.com/shop/AllAboutYoshi
Win It:
3 piece bow collection and a 3"x3" custom portrait magnet to the winner
The mandatory entry:
Visit All About Yoshi and tell us which item you love.
For each of the bonus entries please make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry. If you take advantage of a multiple bonus entries please leave a comment for each one.
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