Not a small dog to share a car with
There following is a rough translation of what the Bernese Mountain dog's owner says in the video.The video is long and completely in Japanese. This man has been living with his dog in the car since the Earthquake and Tsunami struck. He will not allow himself to be separated from the dog and so is making the best of a terrible situation. For the dogs video debut he even dresses it up with a Hawaiian Lei to be a little more festive and happy. They have figured out how to be as comfortable as possible and they are surviving - together and that is all that matters to this man right now. They have each other and a roof over their head albeit a very small one.
Dear All,
We are all living animals on the same planet and sharing the nature. And if there is a natural disaster which is beyond our control, many problems such as the matter regarding to the pets is revealed.
In Japan, just on the surface, the nation is supposed to be with no stray dogs. All dogs are pets and under the ownership of the humans.Therefore, the stray dogs which should not exist and that is one of the reason why the government allows to kill those dogs without the owners. In another words, if there is no dogs under the management of the human owners, there would be no dogs in the nation.
For example, it someone see or find a free dog whether it is the stray dog or not, he or she will call the local Sanitary and Health Office and tell them to catch it, which means as remove it. Some of those dogs might be catched (he doesn't use the word "rescued") but the dog is somehow arrested (busted) and if the dog is not lucky he or she will be killed because of how the society should be.
So if there are the stray dogs, they must be in the environment where theyare not be seen by the humans.
Us humans have vanities, and all the other human only egos which dogs don't have. Humans only considers their survival and don't care the others.
But the dogs don't have such an idea. They have the love without the paybacks nor anything and us dog lovers know that. And dogs have no sense of greed. I always wonder why there are so many greedy people who considers as the sky is the limit. What will you do with the money ? That's the greed, vanity and all those dark human nature.
Except the wild ones, the dogs won't attack except those ones not raised well nor had the fear and in need of protection. Dogs don't make bombs, shoot guns nor contaminate the environment with radiation. Well, that's maybe too much of a thing...
Dogs have no fun and joy other than eat, sleep and being with the owner.
They don't go see the movies, listen to the music nor anything. Dogs belong to the family and or their owner. We have the strong relationship with them. So even if we have to evacuate due to the natural disaster, leaving the dogs, cats and those pets is as hard as losing the family. Due to the man's rule and the way of thinking of not considering those pets or say the animals...That is wrong.
Due to such rules and regulations I have chosen to live with my dog here in the car as you can see.
All I wish is to live with the dogs peacefully even under the present situation.
Special thanks to my anonymous translator with your help I have been able to share stories I would not have been otherwise.