About BlogPaws
BlogPaws is an online resource for pet bloggers to help you be a better blogger, whatever "being a better blogger" means to YOU. So whether you are blogging for fun, to raise money or on behalf of a company or organization, BlogPaws is your go-to place. We're in the process of developing the site, which will cover topics like increasing traffic to your blog, strategies for content development, photography tips, SEO, networking, using social media channels and much more! In addition to providing an online resource, we are hosting BlogPaws 2010, the first-ever pet blogger conference. There is nothing like meeting nose-to-nose and we're very excited about bringing everyone together. Learn more here. BlogPaws is founded by three passionate and dedicated pet lovers and bloggers - Caroline Golon of Romeothecat.com and Yvonne Divita and Tom Collins of Scratchings and Sniffings and Windsor Media Enterprises. There are many terrific resources to help bloggers build traffic and networks, but nothing specific to the pet community - until now.When I first heard about the event I thought it was an amazing idea and an opportunity that would be incredible. There was atwitter party and giveaway going on and I entered because I figured there was no other way for me to get there -- at least this year. I was a little disappointed when I didn't win but didn't really expect to win such a major prize. I had pretty much given up on the idea of going when I received an email from Yvonne one of the creators of Blog Paws asking if I was still interested in attending and what I thought of being sponsored by a major Pet Brand along with 4 other bloggers. I agreed as long as I wasn't going to get stuck having to feed my dogs a certain brand of food that I wouldn't ever feed them or sell out in any other way. Then the waiting game started again I was more optimistic but didn't mention the event to anyone IRL until hours before I received the email on Friday late afternoon letting me know I was going to Blog Paws.

Not only was I not selling out to anyone or anything but I would be spreading the word about Rescue Animals! Yep the Pedigree / Mars Company is sponsored my trip to Blog Paws to help spread the word about their 6th Annual Pedigree Pet Adoption Drive. The best part is that they aren't even asking for donations all they are asking is for a computer click. For anyone with facebook it is so super easy to help spread the word about this great cause and in doing so you are helping to give a bowl of food to a shelter dog. Basically all you have to do is become a fan of their facebook fan page and you are helping a dog. At last tally 863,574 bowls of food have been donated by this effort alone!
Click here to become a fan of Pedigree Adoption Drive and help a dog get a much needed bowl of food.
Oh right I mentioned 4 other bloggers who were going to Blog Paws who were also being sponsored by Pedigree / Mars. Well I got to meet them and the man behind the facebook fan page and the twitter handle @pedigreeUS
I thought that I would go ahead and start introducing them to you.
Boulder Dog
Hi there. My name is Deborah Flick and Sadie is my adolescent chocolate standard poodle. She’s 3 years old, shy, afraid of new people and things, and very sweet. She’s my teacher, and everyday, it seems, she challenges me with a new lesson plan. I must be a slow learner because Sadie insists that we cover previous lessons, practicing patience, for example, over and over.
- On her blog she discusses reward based training.
- Being a Champion for your dog
- Health issues as they come up
Grumpy Puppy: Cleo's Day
I'm a big girl who lives in the city of St. Francis and loves nothing more than eating, sleeping, going for walks, weekend cuddles, being brushed and generally being in the mix. The best part of my life started when the SF/SPCA learned that I was available at a shelter up north in the country and brought me back with them to the big city.
The workers immediately saw how cool I was and after cleaning the country grime off of me, got me a gig on local TV channel KRON-4 for their weekly show about dogs and cats available for adoption. I was a rock star of course.
Cleo is a large breed older dog. Her blog was created to help teach tolerance and acceptance of things we are not familiar with. Unfortunately because she is so big little children run away frightened or call her a wolf. Cleo wants to help teach children about dogs especially bigger ones and how they can be caring, loving, and gentle.
Cleo's Moto is: Give Fearlessly and Influence Positively.
You can visit her and her mom and dad on Cleo's Blog http://grouchypuppy.typepad.com/cleos_day/
Life with the Dogs
This is a much more established blog and one with a huge facebook reach. So much so that they routinely help find dogs forever homes through facebook wall postings! Their true love is Greyhound Rescue. They own 3 dogs and a cat. They even have a traveling painting of one of their dog's Nigel Buggers traveling around among their fans and followers. To read the story about how this all came about and how this traveling painting is helping Rescue Animals you will want to click and read this blog post in particular
To visit their blog and say hello you can check it out http://lifewithdogs.blogspot.com/
Don't forget become a facebook fan of Pedigree Pet Adoption. Become a Fan Help a Dog.
Actually I will make the deal even sweeter. Davinia and Indiana both think that every dog should have a mommy and or daddy to take care of the and give them yummy treats and lots of love and attention. T of you who become fans can give themselves an extra entry in each and every giveaway we host during Davinia's Birthday Bash!