Her name is Ban and she is a 2 years old. Ban is owned by a lady in her 50's before the Tsunami hit they were residents of Kesennuma in Miyagi prefecture, a port town in Japan. Ban's owner still cannot believe her dog was found at sea alive after all this time.
"I am happy that she seems healthy. I want to cherish her when I take her back."
"I recognized her immediately after seeing her face," she said, hugging the animal as Ban licked her face. Ban's owner was watching the Japanese news and saw te story of the dog being rescued by the coast guard just like the rest of the world. When they showed the face of the dog who was rescued Ban's owners could not believe it. She knew right away that the dog just rescued was her pet.
So the owner made the trip to the shelter where Ban was being held so they could be reunited. When she got there Ban jumped into her arms vocalizing and was wagging her tail so hard her entire body was shaking. Ban's owner said she will never let her dog go again and cannot believe she was found alive after all this time.
She wishes to remain anonymous but did tell the story of how Ban received her name. Ban was found as a puppy in a dis-guarded box of Ban brand deodorant and so she started calling the young puppy Ban and it stuck.