Crypto Blog

Humanitarian Aid in Japan

I know I have had quite a few posts about helping animals in Japan and following up to let you know how they are doing. I have even been questioned as to why I am so concerned about the animals if so much destruction took place and the people of Japan really need help. My answer is that with so much destruction knowing that the family pet is safe and fed helps the people who have lost everything else feel there is hope for the future. A child who laughs and plays with a dog (or cat) while the ground under them is still shaking on daily basis allows the parents to dream of a future for their children. If an animal is found alive after all this time there is a slim hope there could be people found as well.

I have more updates on pets for later today but right now I think it is time for me to share information about an organization called Japan Jewish Relief that is helping people in the same way JEARS and WorldVets is helping the animals. They are helping by going into the most devestated areas that are accessible to them and bringing food, water, and supplies to the people in those areas.

This particular organization has already given out 35,000 meals to people who had no where else to turn to. They have baked bread from scratch in Sendai since March 14th to make sure that people had something, anything to eat when even the Evacuation Shelters had nothing left. Once the people of Sendai had access to food from other sources Japan Jewish Relief packed meals into cars and drove out to Ishinomaki where there was no infrastructure left to boil water for Cup of Noodle Soups let alone baking bread and fed the people there. As more and more roads were cleared and bigger organizations arrived into Ishinomaki. Japan Jewish Relief moved on to Shichigahama and Yamamoto handing out meals, water and hope.

Since Japan Jewish Relief is able to get to areas in desperate need larger organizations knowing their capability and determination have asked them to spend this week in a city called Watari. They have been asked to deliver warm meals to the refuges who have survived. Japan Jewish Relief will be sourcing 2 meals per day out of Tokyo to bring to the people in Watari. Only these larger organizations didn't offer to pay for the meals if they could just be delivered they told Japan Jewish Relief about the need but have provided no financial support.

What that means:

  • A total of 26,600 meals will be brought in from Tokyo to Watari for the week.
  • 3,800 meals per day at a cost of almost $10,000 per day.
  • About $2.60 per meal so that the people in Watari who have truly lost everything can feel hope and have a full meal for the first time in weeks.
The population of Watari, Japan was 36,321 before the Earthquake and Tsunami. Currently there are only 1,900 refugees accounted for. The situation in the city is desperate and many larger organizations are unable to get there. The work of Japan Jewish Relief is not possible without help.

I am asking you to like their Page on Facebook and if you could share the information about this organization with your friends.

Japan Jewish Relief is run under the auspices of Chabad of Asia, Chabad of Hong Kong, and Chabad of Tokyo. Japan Jewish Relief was created in order to help bring humanitarian aid in the form of food and meals to the people of Japan who are most in need of help and hope.

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