A Helicopter flying over houses, cars, and other random things that were swept into the ocean by the Tsunami in Japan all of a sudden spot a dog who has come out of hiding to check out where all the noise is coming from. The helicopter sends down two people to rescue the dog. You can see the men climbing into the house to find the dog.

Dog wrapped in blankets being taken to safety. Picture courtesy of Reuters
The Japanese coast guard rescued a pet dog on Friday that somehow survived three weeks at sea after apparently being washed away in the tsunami. Reuters reported the dog was found on the roof of a house floating off the coast of Kesennuma, in the Myiagi prefecture in northern Japan. The dog was described as "emaciated, but alive". Eventually, the dog was saved by a coast guard boat that took over the rescue when the helicopter ran out of fuel which is why we cannot see footage of the dog being saved. The coast guard and air force both hoped the dog's owner might be nearby and the dog would lead them to its owners, but no one was found in the house, the broadcaster said.
Hopefully the dog is now receiving the medical care it obviously needs and some good food and fresh water to fill its belly.
Update 2 Footage of the Rescue:
How amazing is it that after surviving at sea on a roof for three weeks this dog has kisses for its rescuers?
To clarify THIS IS NOT the Corgi that was found floating on a roof after three days and currently living with JEARS. The Corgi's picture and story are below.

The Corgi with JEARS"He bites," were the first words Isabella heard about this little corgi. Traumatized after floating for three days on a roof, he struggled at the evacuation center in Niigata. "I've never seen an expression like that on a dog's face," said Isabella. Found after floating on a roof for three days, profound fear and stress kept the corgi on the defensive in the somewhat unsettled surroundings of the center. Answering a call for help, JEARS brought the dog to Animal Friends Niigata. After a few days of careful attention, an amazing change occurred. Calmer and happier and no longer terrified, the dog has bonded with one of the staff, a young male, which makes them suspect his owner must have been a younger fellow.