Crypto Blog

Giveaway Linky Coming Tuesdays

It seems to me that a lot of people are looking for new places to list their Giveaways where pet owners will be able to see the link. I have decided that we will host a Giveaway Linky every Tuesday called Giveaways for Pet Families specifically to link up ALL of your currently open Giveaways pet related or not as long as the item isn't made to hurt or kill an animal. The linky will go up at 10:00pm on Monday night so you can start getting your links in early and then will be open all day on Tuesday. That gives you 21 hours to get your Giveaways linked up before our daily email goes out with the post and Linky list to our subscribers. Even if your forget until you see our email you can still link up as we will tweet the post several times throughout the week so people will check it out.

We only ask that when you add your Giveaway that you use the tweet button to share with your followers (hey it helps more people see your link and it draws more people to put their links in and check out others that catch their attention.) Its a win-win situation for everyone.

Idle Talk: