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Humane Society In Desperate Need of Food

Homeless dogs in Elkhart County, Indiana need your help.

A water leak at the Humane Society in Bristol, Indiana knocked out three-quarters of their dry dog food supply, so now they're asking for your help. They've had to halt their pet food assistance program which helps Elkhart County residents in need feed their pets.

All brands of dog food will be accepted however they would prefer Purina Dog Chow to keep consistency for the animals. Residents who want to donate are asked to drop off items at the shelter during business hours, but if you can't make it, you can leave items at the side door.

The HSEC takes in over 650 animals a month. By the end of 2010 over 6500 animals had come into the shelter facility which has a 266 animal capacity. At the same time, 2,200 animals were adopted, returned to their owners or were sent on to legitimate rescue groups. With all the services provided for animal welfare, the Humane Society touched the lives of over 12,000 animals.

From the Humane Society of Elkhert County's Facebook Page
You’re sitting at home watching TV. A commercial comes on with sad music and pictures of animals. The pictures show sadness, abuse and neglect. A celebrity tells you to donate. Your heart breaks. You pick up the phone and call the 1-800 number and donate your money to the national organization. You feel better that you made a donation. You go about your day.

We certainly appreciate the fact that the Humane Society of the US and ASPCA have the funds to bring national attention to abuse and neglect of animals. The animals they depict are just like the animals we see every day here in Elkhart County. Nonetheless, a donation to those organizations does NOT support the efforts of your local Humane Society.

Many people have the misconception that our name “Humane Society” is linked to a national organization. The truth is your local Humane Society is an independently owned and operated nonprofit organization serving your community and is governed by a local board of directors comprised of members of your local community. No funds are received by your local Humane Society from the Humane Society of the US or the ASPCA.

Obviously, national organizations need funds to help support the type of educational segments and national services they provide. We encourage individuals who want to support those initiatives to do so.

However, if you want to make a difference locally for the more than 6,800 animals that are admitted to the Humane Society of Elkhart County annually, then we invite you to partner with us. Every fundraiser conducted by your Humane Society helps to generate much needed funds to provide medications and vaccinations for animals, maintain the building to ensure a safe and healthy environment for the animals, provide the human resources to care for the animals and to address abuse and neglect cases in Elkhart County.

This holiday season, hundreds of animals are waiting here at your local Humane Society for the right family and the right home. Tell your friends and family to consider adoption and to consider a donation.

When you contribute to your local shelter, you support animals and animal welfare in your community.

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