I cannot believe we have been Blog Hopping for 4 weeks already. I know we haven't been able to participate as much as I was hoping the past two weeks but I am back and and have the whole day to party with you all. I can't wait to meet all of you and visit those of you who I already know.
Davinia and Indiana say hello. They are both tired and sleeping from our vacation. To make up for it they asked if I could post some pictures from last weekend. The first one is the two of them resting in our Hotel room on top of the sheet we brought with us to make sure we kept the room clean. The second picture is a profile of Davinia watching the dog show. I think it is my new favorite picture of her.

Here's how you can join the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop celebration:
* * Link up your blog name and URL using the Linky Tool below. You only need to add you link once to be seen on all the Pet Blogger Blog Hop Linky Tools for that week.
* * Grab the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop button that our friends over on Life with Dogs made for us and include it in your Saturday Pet Bloggers Hop post so that your readers will know what is going on.
* * Follow your co-hosts listed in the first 3 slots of the Linky Tool.
* * Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like
* * Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from the Saturday Pet Bloggers Hop
* * Follow back when you get a new follower through the Saturday Pet Bloggers Blog Hop
The list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up with us each week you will be able to find the new links on my blog starting at 12:01 AM Eastern Time each week in case you are a party animal and want to get a head start. Since this is a new event we want everyone to be able to participate this week so the link will be open until Wednesday in the future the link will close early Sunday morning but you can still use the links to hop around the internet to find new anipals!
As hosts, we realize the time required to participate in Blog events as they become more and more popular we understand everyone, including ourselves, may not be able to follow every blog. To keep it fun, follow what you can at your own pace. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your participation!