This isn't going to be your typical PSA about Fireworks or the 4th of July. While we know that some animals are petrified of them my two little girls are most definitely not. Which is a really good thing considering when we lived in Hong Kong we saw and heard the Fireworks Show from Hong Kong Disney every single night. It was something we knew happened every night and that we would be able to see them but we never thought that Indiana or Davinia would be upset by them. Maybe it was because of my attitude that they thought is was a fun thing or because they had never experienced idiots trying to kill themselves using fireworks to impress their friends so they were never an upsetting thing.
And when I say every single night I mean like clockwork I knew when it was 8pm because I would hear the booming of the fireworks. When they didn't happen at 8:00 because of a public holiday and the park was open later I would be all thrown off about the time. Asian love their fireworks every holiday that they could get away with having large fireworks displays in Hong Kong they would. Massive scale compared to the Disney Fireworks.
The first night or two the girls might have perked up their ears but it was never a scary thing for them. In the beginning we would go and sit on the balcony so the girls could actually watch the shiny lights in the sky. Of course there were nights that once we were living there for a while and the fireworks became a routine part of our day that we just carried on with what we were doing. And other nights that the weather would make then sound unusually loud and then they would run to the balcony to check things out. I did always try to catch a bit of the fireworks shows every night because I didn't want to waste the opportunity.
This is the only video of the Hong Kong Disney Fireworks that I can find online that was actually filmed from the community I lived in. I don't think you all care about what the show looked like from the park you want to see what Davinia and Indiana saw. Sorry about the music I wish they would have left it just with the sounds of the firework or dubbed the songs they played during the fireworks at Disney into the film. You can jsut turn off the sound and do what I did. I honestly had made up a whole story in my head about what was going on at Disney with all the Disney Characters. Like oh this is when Peter Pan and Captain Hook battle it out or this is when the Princesses all come and meet their Princes.
This is a picture of the living room of our apartment before we moved it. I am using this to show just where the fireworks were in relation to our apartment. If you click the picture to make it bigger. If you look the left you will see Hong Kong Disney in the fog. You can see the two Disney Hotels. Every night the fireworks would appear just to the right of the mountain and to the left of the palm tree. Hong Kong is finicky and there would be weeks of foggy days like this but then there would be a clear day and you could see the buildings on the main Island of Hong Kong and make out what color they are.
Now for our PSA:
Do not leave your dog in the yard when you leave to go to a party or even just to the store this weekend. A dog can easily get spooked or upset by idiots setting off fireworks in your neighborhood and find a way out of your fence over, under, through to try and find a place to hide. So many dogs get lost this specific weekend of the year. If you stay home don't freak out over the noise it WILL upset your dogs. Put on a movie or listen to the radio and just ignore that there is anything special going on.
There is no reason your dog can't partake of a burger or hotdog or even some watermelon but do it in moderation for your dogs sizes. Do not let them get near the grill when things are cooking and make sure all meat is warm not hot. If there are children at the event you can be sure they will want to feed the dog some cookies you can cut up a hot dog or grilled chicken and let them hand feed the dog or tell them the dog can only eat special food or will get very sick and have to go to the hospital. You need to set the ground rules of what the kids can and cannot do with the dog. If you only want the dog to be in a specific room with the door closed or in their crate unless you are there to supervise playtime.